Love your Enemies Matthew 5:43-48 (p. 893)
Remembrance Day The 11 th hour, 11 th Day, 11 th Month, The “War to end all wars” (1914 – 1918) 65 million men mobilized, more than 30 countries 8.5 m killed, 21 m wounded, 7.7m missing or POW’s 37 million casualties (57%) Including civilians 21m dead. Second World War – 21 years later 25m military deaths, 47.3m civilian deaths (total 72m)
Remembrance Day … Jesus: “Love your enemies …” Remember: Brave and good men and women Women and children, the weak and elderly Men at arms currently serving Freedoms hard won and valiantly protected Devastation and tragedy of war The value of Peace We Remember so that we will learn.
1. The Causes of War What causes war? Historical theories Psychological theories Demographic theories Anthropological theories Economic theories Rationalist, sociological, marxist, evolutionary theories. Humans cause war
1. The Causes of War … Remembrance day … About war or peace? About the past or the future? About others or about ourselves? Are we people of peace?
2. People OF Peace Jesus said: “Love your enemies, pray … Jesus’ way is good. They don’t work in every situation … Surely Jesus understands we have to stand up for ourselves We can only change ourselves – How do we be people of peace when we’re burning inside? Sometimes we may take these words of Jesus to heart. Echoing Paul: “I do not do the good I want to do” Thoreau: “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation”
3. Being People AT Peace To be at peace with one another – we have to be at peace with ourselves. To be at peace with ourselves – we have to be at peace with God. Inner peace is a gift. It is supernatural; It’s a miracle! Matt. 11:29 “Come to me … you will find rest for your souls It is the work of God in us. He will rescue us from our empty way of life (1 Peter 1:18)
3. Being People AT Peace … We can be people of peace … if we have received the peace of God as a gift. We are offered rescue – From the futility of doing evil rather than good From the tragedy of causing hurt rather than healing From the emptiness of stress, frustration and despair “Come to me”, says Jesus. “and I will give you rest”
Two minutes Silence Reflect on the horror and futility of war Consider the offer of peace from God