Prenatal Development Month by Month
Effects on Mother During the 1 st Month Missed period Other signs of pregnancy may not yet be noticeable.
Effects on Mother during the 2 nd Month Breasts begin to swell Pressure on bladder from enlarging uterus results in need to urinate more often. Possible nausea (morning sickness) Fatigue is common
Effects on Mother during the 3 rd Month Breasts become fuller and firmer and may ache. Nausea, fatigue, frequent urination continue Abdomen becomes slightly larger Weight gain 2-4 lbs.
Effects on Mother during the 4 th month Most discomforts are gone by now Appetite increases
Effects on Mother during the 5 th month Enlarged abdomen becomes apparent Slight fetal movements are felt Fetal heart beat can be heard through a stethoscope
Effects on Mother during 6 th month Fetal movements have become strong kicks, thumps, and bumps Weight gain about lbs.
Effects on Mother during the 7 th month Posture affected because of increased size backache
Effects on Mom during 8 th month Shortness of breath, leg cramps, backache, and tiredness are common Weight gain lbs.
Effects on Mom during the 9 th month Lightening is felt Weight gain is lbs. May have false labor pains