Advanced Predictive Analytics Prof Sunil Wattal
Agenda Introductions Intro to Data Analytics Course Logistics Overview of Topics Setting up SAS EM
Data Analytics McKinsey Report ◦shortage of 1.5 million analytics individuals in US
Data Analytics Big Data market size ~ $7billion in 2012 ◦40% growth rate
Big Data What is a quintillion? 90% of world’s data generated in last 2 years
Where does Big Data come from?
Data Analytics Examples Google: Targeted Advertising Bank: Default Prevention Call Centers: Speech recognition Pharma: Salesforce planning Netflix: Recommendations, Planning Content WalMart: Inventory Planning
Example : Twitter Analytics Examples: Quantitative Insights : Klout
Regression Most common statistical method Impact of one or more variables (independent variable) on some outcome (dependent variable) Applications: promotional response, price elasticity
Logistic Regression Regression analysis with the outcome is a categorical variable Can calculate the odds ratio / probability of an event happening Examples: Likelihood of winning an election, likelihood of winning a game
Web Analytics Is your website working hard enough? What metrics can help you answer that?
Web Analytics Metrics
Neural Networks Neural Networks are analytic techniques modeled after the (hypothesized) processes of learning in the cognitive system and the neurological functions of the brain Advanced data mining tools used where other techniques do not product satisfactory results Example: coors tested the relation between chemical composition of beer and its taste
Visualization How can you represent hundreds of tweets
Dealing with Data Variable selection Model assessment Model scoring
Twitter Analytics Qualitative Analytics – Stream Graphs
Organizational Buy-In Strategic Alignment Technology and Infrastructure Multi-channel analytics
When Walmart can use weather predictions to send supplies, why not FEMA?
Concerns about Big Data Widespread tracking Privacy False positives ‘Bad’ customners