Abdullah Ibn Omar may Allah please him loved fasting to a great extent so he decided to fast all day long & pray all the night throughout his whole life.


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Presentation transcript:

Abdullah Ibn Omar may Allah please him loved fasting to a great extent so he decided to fast all day long & pray all the night throughout his whole life. Our prophet (peace be upon him) knew about this. So, he sent for him. When he arrived he restricted from doing so saying: it is quite enough to fast three days of each month

as every good deed is counted as 10 which is the same as fasting throughout the whole year. Abdullah told our prophet (peace be upon him) : but I have the power to fast and can afford doing much better than that. So our prophet (peace be upon him) said : then fast like the fasting of our prophet Dawood and do not exceed that. as every good deed is counted as 10 which is the same as fasting throughout the whole year. Abdullah told our prophet (peace be upon him) : but I have the power to fast and can afford doing much better than that. So our prophet (peace be upon him) said : then fast like the fasting of our prophet Dawood and do not exceed that.

Abdullah asked our prophet (peace be upon him): and what is the fasting of Dawood may (blessing on him)? Our prophet answered him: that he used to fast for one day and eat the other day and it is the most recommended fasting. Abdullah said: I can afford better than that. So, our prophet said: I do not recommend anything better than that. Abdullah asked our prophet (peace be upon him): and what is the fasting of Dawood may (blessing on him)? Our prophet answered him: that he used to fast for one day and eat the other day and it is the most recommended fasting. Abdullah said: I can afford better than that. So, our prophet said: I do not recommend anything better than that.

Fasting is restricted on women during menstrual and parturition periods and they should settle the missed period. According to Lady Eisha: "We used to undergo menstruation period and during which we were ordered to settle the fasting we missed without settling the prayers. (Approved).