Chapter 13 Notes
1. During the Scientific Revolution, educated people placed importance on what? What they observed (saw)
2. What do scientists use to explain the facts they have observed? Logic
3. What was Aristotle’s greatest contribution to science? Idea that people should observe the world carefully and draw logical conclusions
4.What developments brought about the Scientific Revolution 4. Study of Greek writings, growth of humanism, and experiments of alchemists
5. What author published the book that started the Scientific Revolution? 5. Nicolaus Copernicus
6. What theory did Copernicus have about the sun? Heliocentric Theory, the sun is the center of the universe
7. What did Kepler discover? Planets orbit the sun in an oval shape, not a circle
8. Why is Gallileo Gallilei known as the father of experimental science? First scientist to use experiments to test his theories
10. What new inventions came from the Scientific Revolution? Microscope Thermometer Telescope Barometer
9. What did Sir Isaac Newton contribute to the Scientific Revolution? Law of Gravity Laws of Motion Calculus
11. The ideas of Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes led to what? The Scientific Method
12. What are the two basic parts of the scientific method? Observation and Experimentation
13. How did philosophers try to improve society? Using logic and reason to solve problems in society and government
14. What caused conflict between science and religion? Science contradicted church teachings and weakened the church
15. Which scientist stressed the separation of reason and faith? Francis Bacon