HOST Training The Tourism Host
Canada’s Tourism Challenges, Issues and Concerns: 1)Industry Image – tourism is not viewed as a true profession. 2)Unskilled Labor – shortage of trained workers force the hiring of people with little or no training. 3)Poor Training Practices – training is seen as an expense so employers do not provide employees with the skills needed. 4)Poor Attitudes/Self Image – Workers can feel frustrated and negative which reflects to customers and management.
5)High Turnover – due to negative and frustrated feelings among workers they often quit. 6)Shrinking Labor Pool – ideal labor pool is 35 years old or less; however the numbers of workers in this group is declining. 7)Poorly Trained Managers – many managers have been put into their positions without training or benefits. 8)Language Barriers – there are many cultures and languages involved, and these problems will always require attention.
What was done to help? Tourism Education Councils (TEC’s) –Developed in each province & territory –Restructured the education / training practices –Identified all occupations within tourism sector –Developed occupational standards Occupational Standards = document outlining skills, knowledge & attitudes an individual must demonstrate to be competent for a given occupation.
How do these standards help? Develop job descriptions Streamline the recruitment and selection process Result in a well trained work force Provide recognition of the value of tourism occupations
Ethics Ethics = a system or code of morals of a particular person, religion, culture, group or profession A particular person’s ethics may vary from another person’s. Different cultures, generations, and religions all may have different ethical views.
Business Ethics Each corporation has a specific culture created by company founders and executives who set the ground rules or code of ethics by stating their beliefs on how the business should operate and what the proper treatment of employees and guests will be. This code of ethics should be posted and well understood by the company’s employees.
Professional & Proud of it…… 1.Be accountable and ethical 2.Be flexible and adaptable 3.Be punctual 4.Be friendly and enthusiastic 5.Be conscientious 6.Be patient and positive 7.Be responsible
Body Language Exercise Directions: Describe the possible messages these forms of body language send to guests. Start each answer with “this communicates…….” Positive Messages 1.Face is relaxed and under control. 2.Smile is natural and comfortable. 3.Eye contact is maintained when talking and listening to others 4.Body movement is relaxed, yet deliberate and controlled. Negative Messages 1.Face is anxious and uptight 2.Smile is missing or forced 3.Eye contact is avoided when talking and listening. 4.Body movement is harried and rushed.
Exercise: Anticipating needs of your customers, clients or guests Ideally service is provided without a customer asking for it; however situations occur where this does not happen. Directions: Here are 5 common service situations write what you think should occur next. 1.A customer has waited longer than normal for service. 2.The client keeps glancing at his watch. 3.A woman guest with 3 small children approaches your service area. 4.Lines for your service form early in the day. 5.There are well defined busy periods in your work day.