“Through My Eyes”
We wish to thank New Horizons for Seniors for funding this innovative project
A diverse group of community service partners from the City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County committed to increasing awareness of Elder Abuse with the aim of prevention and intervention of abuse for older adults Members include: Police Services, EMS, Victim Services, social/health organizations who provide support primarily to seniors
Elder Abuse Services Coordinator for Network since March 2008 Primarily education and prevention Staff responsible for responding to elder abuse at Community Care Health and Support Services Respond in City of Kawartha Lakes and Haliburton County
Typical educational events: mall displays, community presentations, workshops Discovered that seniors avoided display or made jokes about elder abuse
How could we entice seniors and the community to come up to our display so that we could educate them? Applied for New Horizons for Seniors Grant to develop a photography exhibit that highlighted seniors and 2010 Senior Safety Calendar that would be unique to our community.
People are drawn to photographs, and each image has a story to tell
Two components to project: photography exhibit and 2010 senior safety calendar
Sound simple? We anticipated being inundated with photographs, and that didn’t happen People wanted us to use images where we didn’t have consent Seniors did not want to be “associated” with elder abuse. What if someone thought that they were being abused???
Creating the exhibit Portable and easy to set up Easy for Seniors to view Chose a “rolling banner” Cost $ plus member agencies could purchase cassettes for $ Involved our local Art Gallery and New Horizons for Seniors to ensure that this would be considered an exhibit
What did we want exhibit to “say”? Respect; value; experience; wisdom; contributions; love of life; struggles… Involve seniors, promote discussion, create awareness,
Showing throughout community Created power point display Images can also be used with a projector for Seniors who are vision impaired Reaction/comments from the public towards the exhibit
Story behind the images:
Contact Information Karen Anderson Community Care Health & Support Services ex ex 234