NMED 3700 Project Management
NMED 3700 Today’s Class… Business Correspondence Class Calendar Breakout Sessions
NMED 3700 Business Correspondence (Name of Event ) Date Subject: Speaking In Your Class Dear (Sir/Madam): OR To Whom It May Concern: My name is ______ and I am a student in NMED 3700.Project Management. Each semester students in Project Management stage a New Media showcase to promote the excellent work generated by New Media students in our community.. We are currently sending out our calls for submissions and are organizing a classroom-by-classroom announcement campaign about the event encouraging students to submit work. Would it be possible for one person from our Resource Management and Audience Relations team to come to your _______ class on _________ at _______ to let students know about the event? We are eager to start spreading the news about this exciting event. I look forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Signature Andrea Philips Name of Event, Programming Team
NMED 3700 Event Promotional Campaign –Date of Event –Name of Event Promotion of Theme –Location –Coordination Call for Submissions (Programming) –Coordination of Fundraisers & Audience Development –For More Information (website)
NMED 3700 Class Calendar –These calendar sheets are part of your Project Log –Bring these sheets to every class so they can be updated weekly during progress reports.
NMED 3700 September 24 th Guest Lecturer Todd Hurley Technical Director, Department of Theatre and Dramatic Arts
NMED 3700 October 8 th Field Trip Southern Alberta Art Gallery
NMED 3700 October 13 th Ryan Doherty, Curator of the Southern Alberta Art Gallery
NMED 3700 Next Class… –Monday: Event Identity Presentations; Team “To Do” Lists and Deadline Reports