What’s Gods Favourite Number? Why Three? God Is A Trinity, He Has Three Personalities. God-The Father Jesus-The Word The Holy Spirit- God’s Gift.


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Presentation transcript:

What’s Gods Favourite Number? Why Three?

God Is A Trinity, He Has Three Personalities. God-The Father Jesus-The Word The Holy Spirit- God’s Gift.

The Father loves the Son and gives Him everything. The Son does that which pleases the Father. The Spirit takes of the things of the Son and shows them to us. He does not glorify Himself. We learn that from the Trinity that relationship is the essence of reality. The Everlasting God by D Broughton Knox

Is God Rational And Does He Think?

Psalm 139:17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them

Does God Feel? If Not Does He Not Care For Us?

The Bible Uses Metaphors To Tell Us We Are God’s Children. People Love Their Family. God Loves Us. We Are His Family. The World Is Family

I Once Had A View That God And The World Was Like a Nature Programme, God Can’t Interfere With The World And Human Life Because It Would Affect Other Things And Cause A Ripple Effect.

If I was Right Then Who Answers All The Thousands Of Prayers Across The World Everyday, Every Second?

Yet He Manages To Sympathise With Every One. How Will We Ever Understand The Mind Of Someone That Hears The Prayers Of Millions Of People Everyday, Some Who Are In Deep Pain

How Can He Balance The Scales He Holds. One Side Full Of The Lords Tears And The People Weeping. The Other Full Of The Lords Smiles And The Peoples Joy

Although We Know Something About God We Will Never Know Everything.

“If The Reality Of God Was Small Enough To Be Grasped He Would Not Be Big Enough To Be Adored” Evelyn Underhill

God Is Like A Picture In An Art Gallery, If You Go Right Up To It And Look At A Tiny Bit It Doesn’t Make Sense, Take A Large Step Back And It Becomes Clear.

Getting To Heaven Is Taking That Big Step Back. You See Gods Plan. You See The Whole Picture.

Music: Angels And Airwaves - The Adventure Final Images: Google Images Created By: Verity Bramwell Thank You To: Crusaders For Stretching My Mind [I Can’t Live, I Can’t Breathe, Unless You Do This With me] [I’m Just Beginning]