2008LIFE presentation LIFE+ call for proposals
2008LIFE presentation2 Timetable Date or periodActivity 15 July LIFE+ call for proposals launched 21 November 2008Deadline for applicants to send proposals to Member State authorities 05 January 2009Deadline for the Member States to forward proposals to the European Commission January to July 2009Admissibility, exclusion and eligibility, evaluation and revision of the proposals 31 December 2009Deadline for signing grant agreements 01 January 2010Earliest possible starting date for the 2008 projects
2008LIFE presentation3 Indicative national allocation per Member State for the 2008 LIFE+ application round (EUR) Austria Latvia Belgium Lithuania Bulgaria Luxembourg Cyprus Malta Czech Republic Netherlands Denmark Poland Estonia Portugal Finland Romania France Slovakia Germany Slovenia Greece Spain Hungary Sweden Ireland United Kingdom Italy TOTAL
2008LIFE presentation LIFE+ application package Most important changes compared to the 2007 package: 1. Submission format: applicants requested to submit the application forms as 2 separate pdf documents - one scanned to pdf (A forms) and another converted to pdf (B and C forms, financial forms and output indicator forms), in order to reduce file sizes. 2. Changes to the technical application forms: Form A4 has become A2, A2 has become A3 and A3 has become A4. Some information fields have been modified and some removed, in order to better define the information requested and avoid duplication and information which is not necessary.
2008LIFE presentation5 Changes to the application package (cont.) 3. Changes have been made to the guidelines for applicants: Some general changes to all documents. The former general guidelines for applicants and the guidelines for filling in the financial forms have now been integrated into the specific guidelines for each of the 3 strands of LIFE+. LIFE+ Nature & Biodiversity: considerable changes have been made to the guidelines. LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance: certain changes, including the addition of more specific definitions for "innovation" and "demonstration". LIFE+ Information and Communication: substantial changes have been made in order to strengthen the specifications of the type of proposals the EC would like to see as far as their objectives, content and structure are concerned.
2008LIFE presentation6 Changes to the application package (cont.) 4. There are no longer two potential types of public coordinating beneficiaries (public bodies / public authorities) --> only public bodies + a new annex is required in these cases (the Public Body Declaration) 5. A more explicit clarification has been added regarding the employment by public bodies of temporary personnel hired specifically for the project (in which case they do not fall into the "2%" civil servant's personnel costs rule)
2008LIFE presentation7 Changes to the application package (cont.) 6. National annual priorities (NAPs) enter into effect. A related award criterion now exists for the evaluation. Applicants can consult whether their Member State has defined NAPs for 2008 on the LIFE+ website. 7. "Eligibility phase" has been replaced by "Admissibility, exclusion and eligibility phase", and the relevant criteria have been re- categorised accordingly. 8. Changes have been made in the award criteria, which will now include the NAPs, but are reduced in number from 7 to 6 because certain criteria have been merged together.
2008LIFE presentation8 Changes to the application package (cont.) 9. Applicants are now required to define output monitoring indicators in their proposal. Specific forms for this purpose are included in the application package and the corresponding guidelines on how to complete them have been incorporated in the guidelines for applicants. 10. More specific guidelines on after-LIFE communication / conservation plans have been added in the guidelines for applicants.