9th COSMO General Meeting September 2007 Athens (Greece) Programme Short-Range NWP Report of the Programme Manager
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens2 The main follow-up actions of the “A Vision for NWP in Europe” initiative, launched by the Met Office (1) At the 2006 SRNWP Annual Meeting, it has decided to present to the EUMETNET Council the following propositions: –A enlarged goal and a new organisation (governance) for the 3rd phase of the SRNWP Programme ( ) –A Programme for Interoperability between the European NWP systems (only short-range)
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens3 The main follow-up actions of the “A Vision for NWP in Europe” initiative, launched by the Met Office (2) –A Programme for a European short-range LAM EPS –A Programme for the development of a common verification package and for an intercomparison between the Consortium models (Aladin, Cosmo, Hirlam and Unified Model) The 3 latter Programmes (also called Projects) were foreseen for a duration of two years
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens4 The 30th EUMETNET Council Meeting (1) April 2006, Aberdeen (United Kingdom) Most important Council Meeting for the NWP in Europe in the 11 years of existence of EUMETNET Presented to Council have been Proposals for a - Third enlarged phase for the SRNWP Programme - Programme Interoperability (new) - Programme European Short-range EPS (new) Cost per year for these 3 Programmes: € 386’500.-
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens5 The 30th EUMETNET Council Meeting (2) April 2006, Aberdeen (United Kingdom) Council has decided: Programme SRNWP - To extend the Programme for a third period ( ) - To accept the new Programme governance - To refuse a full time Programme Manager in order to keep the same Programme cost (€35’000.- per year). The PM function remains officially a 30% job. Programme Interoperability - To finance the Programme for 2 years with € 123’500.- per year (no cost cut!). Programme European short-range EPS - To postpone this Programme for an undefined period. Reason: it is not possible to finance everything simultaneously.
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens6 Programme SRNWP (1) Third Period: Main goals of the Programme SRNWP III –Joined projects will be defined between Consortia with concrete deliverables. The 18 Recommendations of the Vision Workshop Realization of the European LAM EPS (postponed by Council) Common verification (if no EUMETNET Programme) –Dissemination of the scientific information (continuation of the existing scheme) Thematic workshops SRNWP web site Contacts with the other EUMETNET Programmes
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens7 Programme SRNWP (2) Third Period: Main features of the new governance –There will be an Advisory Committee to assist the PM in his/her function One Representative per Consortium 2 meetings a year –There will be thematic Project Teams Goal oriented (concrete deliverables) Organisation of enlarged workshops (open to all NMS and Academia)
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens8 Programme SRNWP (3) Third Period: Responsible Member –Only one NMS applied to become Responsible Member: the Hungarian Meteorological Service (OMSZ) with András Horányi as Programme Manager Decision –At the 31st EUMETNET Council Meeting (20-21 September 2007 in Lisbon) –Very positive recommendation from the Evaluation Committee formed by MeteoSwiss (Chair), Met Office and DMI.
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens9
10 Programme Interoperability Programme Interoperability will be presented in the next talk by Ulrich Schättler (DWD)
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens11
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens12 Proposal EurEPS Proposal for a European LAM-EPS Programme Initial remark –A lot of work is done in Europe on LAM EPS at different levels: At the European level: PEPS Inter-Consortia Project: GLAMEPS between Aladin, Hirlam and Lace At the Consortium level: LEPS, SREPS (collaboration with INM) At the NMS level: DMI, met.no, INM, Meteo-France, ZAMG, OMSZ, Met Office Aim of the EurEPS Proposal: A feasibility study –To find out the benefits of an ensemble of ensembles –To investigate the feasibility of a decentralized real time operation
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens13 Proposal EurEPS Proposal for a European LAM-EPS Programme Main features of the feasibility study –Duration of the Programme: 2 years –Creation of data bases (model data and observations) at the ECMWF –Development works (calibration, verification, presentation) by a full time scientist at the ECMWF –Cost: € 163’000.- per year
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens14 Proposal EurEPS Proposal for a European LAM-EPS Programme Answer of the EUMETNET Council (April 07) –“After having analysed the proposed NWP themes (Interoperability; EUREPS; Verification), Council decided to begin in a step by step approach with the Interoperability project. This should be considered as a precursor to the two other projects” (From the minutes).
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens15
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens16 Programme for the development of a common verification package and for an intercomparison between the Consortium models Together with Interoperability and European LAM EPS, Verification is one of the 3 Projects decided at the SRNWP Annual Meeting 2006 As for all the other Proposals, a redaction group has been formed to draft a proposal Verification appeared rapidly as the most difficult Programme to agree upon: –Centralised or decentralised verification? –Which parameters to verify? –With which scores?
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens17 Programme for the development of a common verification package and for an intercomparison between the Consortium models (2) A full-fledged Proposal has nevertheless been written, but has not been submitted to Council –Reasons The main investigators (Joël and Clive) were not convinced that it was a good proposal (Meteo-France backed this opinion) –Too ambitious for a 2 year Project –Signification of some scores problematic (too little experience with these scores) –Necessity of some other scores not firmly assessed
9th COSMO General Meeting; September 2007, Athens18 Programme for the development of a common verification package and for an intercomparison between the Consortium models (3) 30th Council Meeting (April 2007) –Director of Meteo-France: “Interoperability was key, but Verification is crucial” –A Proposal for a Programme Verification must be presented at the 31st Council Meeting 31st Council Meeting (20-21 September) –It will be announced by the EUMETNET CO that a new Proposal will be ready for the 32nd Meeting next December Clive has volunteered to re-write the Proposal