10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz1 -France RunII RunIITracking Hard/Soft-ware with
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz2 D0 Run II Upgrades protons Electronics TrackerSolenoid Magnet 3 Layer Muon System Preshowers Run IIa Upgrades Muon system * CAL Electronics * DAQ Trigger system * New at Run IIa Solenoid Silicon tracker ** Fiber tracker Preshowers * Run IIb Upgrades L1Cal ** SMT Layer 0
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz3 French ( ) involvements MUON RECONSTRUCTION SOFTWARE Data format Generators Simulation Visualization COMPUTING MC Production Data (Re)processing Inter-operability SAMGrid/LCG PHYSICS OBJECTS ID Electrons Muons Taus Jets Jet Energy Scale b-quark jets MET CALORIMETRY Liquid Argon Purity Monitoring Pulser Calibrations: online, offline, and database Detector monitoring and data quality online monitoring TRACKING Silicon tracker: production, tests, commissioning and operation b-tagging: JLIP et soft-lepton tags DATA TAKING AND PREPARATION Hardware: L2 boards Triggers Data Preparation for analyses Data quality offline monitoring
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz4 Muons - Muon software convenorship ( ) - Muon reconstruction in the muon system (Frederic Deliot’s PhD thesis) - Muon Matching with central tracker (Saclay matching) - Muon-ID convenorship ( ) -> creation of muo_candidate, a precursor of d0correct -> ID definitions and certification for p14 -> creation of muo_cert A unification effort about tools to measure efficiencies - Muon-ID convenorship ( ) ->p17 cerfication development of muo_cert to measure it all (muon, tracking, triggers) -> measure efficiencies (for DATA/MC scale factors), systematic uncertainties, single muon triggers -> adapt tools to Run2b data -> first monitoring of Run2b data (Marion Arthaud’s PhD thesis) -> p17 and p20 smearings
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz5 Muon reconstruction combine muon system tracks with central tracker tracks using error matrices propagation taking into account: - magnetic field - matter: multiple scattering and energy loss in toroid and calorimeter Nov 2001 magnetic field maps muo_centralmatch package
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz6 Di-Muons First RunII J/ peak 09-NOV-2001 Nov 2004
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz7 Combining muon system and tracker Feb 2002 Mass from muo_centralmatch combination central tracker Muon system No chi2 cut cut2 cut1 cut3 2 nd best best First J/ reconstructed w/ central tracker and using Saclay matching on data
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz8 p14 certification Muon types |nseg| = 3 tight medium loose nseg = +1, +2 medium loose
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz9 p14 certification MuonId efficiencies
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz10 p17 certification MuonId efficiencies
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz11 MC smearing to match data Mass dist. shift (~10MeV) from momentum scale difference Oversmearing:
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz12 L2 boards From L2 to L2 L2 boards - Common CDF and D0 project - Digital Board and Processor - Problems during production - No improvement possible - Replace L2 failing boards - Be compatible with existing L2 - Increased performance - Upgradable platform
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz13 L2 boards - Modular design to separate CPU (commercial: PIII 1GHz then PIV 2.4GHz) I/O (9U) 10 signal layers mechanical structure to rigidify - Fabrication, assembly, FPGA firmware - 40 boards - Software, tests and integration - Increased performance w.r.t. design specs: 20 KHz instead of 10 KHz - Installation in 2003 => stabilized L2 - Upgrade for RunII was a cinch
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz14 Silicon Microstrip Tracker It’s all explained over there! 4 H Disks 6 Barrels 12 F Disks North South 1/2-cylinders 8 layers 72 ladders 12 cm long Barrel F-Disk H-Disk 12 F-wedges 24 H-wedges 6192 R/O chips = 792,576 channels > 1.5 million wire bonds
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz15 SMT Production SVXIIE HDI
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz16 Testing, burning-in and repairing Bonds need to be plucked Bad ground connection Dead Channel Laser
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz17 Family of D0SMT Detector types (all AC coupled) L3 L6 L9 F6 F8 H6 n-side p-side 144 DSDM 72 Single Sided 50 um pitch 216 DS 2 o stereo 144 DS +/- 15 o stereo 50 (p)/153(n) um 50 (p)/60(n) um 50 (p)/62.5(n) um 92x2 SS +/- 7.5 o Elma-Russia 70% Micron-UK, 30% Eurysis-France Micron-UK
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz18 Production
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz19 Assembly: 1/2-cylinder HDI connection to low-mass cable South Half Cylinder
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz20 Installation Cylinder installation was completed on 12/20/00 A 1/2-cylinder of 3 barrels and 6 F disks was inserted into each end of the CFT bore H Disk installation was completed on 2/6/01 The cabling (~15,000 connections) and electronics installation was completed in May 2001 Fiber Tracker Low Mass Cables High Mass Cables SMT Interface Boards Calorimeter
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz21 Commissioning Cluster charge (corrected for track angle): 1 mip ~ 25 ADC counts. Noise < 2ADC counts. p-side pulse-height (ADC) n-side pulse-height (ADC) Charge correlation between p- and n-side of a detector p-side pulse-height (ADC) Lorentz angle: The charge deflection due to the magnetic field fraction of 1 strip clusters Local track incidence angle L =4.5°
10-25 years of DØ FranceE. Kajfasz22 Operations