EXAMPLES OF PRODUCTS Climatology of aerosol index from POLDER Climatology of stratospheric aerosols Intercomparison of aerosol satellite climatologies.


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Presentation transcript:

EXAMPLES OF PRODUCTS Climatology of aerosol index from POLDER Climatology of stratospheric aerosols Intercomparison of aerosol satellite climatologies Demonstration system of aerosol data assimilation Continuous measurements of aerosol optical depth WORK PACKAGES WP1 Matching users’ needs to availability and quality of aerosol data the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) Leader: Gerrit de Leeuw WP2 Extension of an aerosol network of sunphotometers and network sustainability Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique, Lille (LOA) Leader: Olivier Boucher WP3 Database and user interface for stratospheric aerosol Institut d’Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique (IASB) Leader: Didier Fussen WP4 Development of level-4 aerosol data Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) Leader: Gunnar Myhre WP5 Assimilation of aerosol data in transport models Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) Leader: Peter van Velthoven WP6 Project management and co-ordination Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique, Lille (LOA) Leader: Olivier Boucher More information DAEDALUS Leader: Olivier Boucher DAEDALUS Co-leader: Piet Stammes CREATE Leader: Gerard Jennings THE PROJECT Atmospheric aerosols (tropospheric and stratospheric) are of great importance because of their role in long-range transport of pollutants, their impacts on human health, visibility, continental and maritime ecosystems, the stratospheric ozone layer, and the Earth’s climate, thus requiring dedicated monitoring of their concentrations and properties at the European and global scales. There is a good amount of aerosol data from ground-based or satellite-based instruments, with a strong contribution from Europe, but these information lack compatibility and the related expertise is scattered among a large number of institutes. At the same time, there is not always a clear expression of the demand for aerosol products and the development of products is often technology driven. CREATE and DAEDALUS aim to bridge the gap between technologically available aerosol products and the users’ needs of recent observations on a variety of time and spatial scales. The goals of the DAEDALUS project are to advise on the optimum use of aerosol in-situ, ground-based, and satellite remote sensing data to meet the users’ needs, to deliver data and information to the users, to make proposals for aerosol monitoring as part of the European capacity to be established for GMES and to develop the methodologies necessary for delivering operational aerosol products. Specific objectives are: 1. to compile existing aerosol data relevant to tropospheric and stratospheric aerosol monitoring, 2. to foster the dialogue between users and providers of aerosol data, and assess the users’ needs at the European level in terms of tropospheric and stratospheric aerosol properties, 3. to match the available aerosol data products with the information needed by users, 4. to make proposals for a sustainable monitoring infrastructure in order to meet users’ needs, including an assessment of the scientific, technical, and institutional efforts needed, in particular regarding operational products and 5. to improve methodologies for making optimal use of satellite data and for assimilating aerosol data in regional and global transport models as well as numerical weather prediction models. PARTNERS DAEDALUS is a project specially written for the first GMES call for proposal of the EESD. It runs for 3 years in parallel with CREATE and has started on 1 st January partners from 6 countries are implicated in the project (also supported by ECMWF, Reading, U.K and the Ocean and Sea Ice SAF, Lannion, France): LOA/CNRS /USTL, France, IASB, Brussels,Belgium, KNMI, the Netherlands, TNO-FEL and TNO-MAP, the Netherlands, NILU, Oslo,Norway,University of Evora, Portugal, IES JRC, Ispra,Italy Aerosol Products from DAEDALUS Thematic Project Delivery of AErosol proDucts for Assimilation and environmentaL USe Aerosol Products from DAEDALUS Thematic Project Delivery of AErosol proDucts for Assimilation and environmentaL USe EVK Mean profile of mode radius in µm versus time for SAGE II in the 50°S-60°S latitude band Mean profile of mode radius in µm versus time for SAGE II in the 50°N-60°N latitude band WP3 WP5 WP4 Capo Verde station PHOTONS network WP2 WP4 For more information please contact the relevant work package leader