BACK TO CATEGORIES Created by Lynne Crandall, University of Michigan
BACK TO CATEGORIES FERPA Wildcard! Data and information The Letter “F” Legitimate Educational Interest Inspect and Review 500 FINAL JEOPARDY
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 100 Points Inspect and Review Almost all personally identifiable data maintained by the institution.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 100 Points Inspect and Review What data can a student request to see about him or herself?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 200 Points Inspect and Review 45 days.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 200 Points Inspect and Review What is the time allowed to respond to a request to inspect and review?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 300 Points Inspect and Review Not doing so would essentially deny a student access to information.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 300 Points Inspect and Review When is an institution required to make copies of educational records?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 400 Points Inspect and Review Waived letters of recommendation and parents financial records.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 400 Points Inspect and Review What information doesn’t a student have a right to inspect and review?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 500 Points Inspect and Review As long as we have the data.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 500 Points Inspect and Review How long can a student or former student request to view his or her information?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 100 Points Legitimate Educational Interest When serving in an advising capacity.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 100 Points Legitimate Educational Interest When can a faculty have access to a student’s complete education record?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 200 Points Legitimate Educational Interest In the annual notification to students.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 200 Points Legitimate Educational Interest Where can an institution define a school official?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 300 Points Legitimate Educational Interest Demonstrated “need to know” by school officials.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 300 Points Legitimate Educational Interest What is legitimate educational interest?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 400 Points Legitimate Educational Interest If accessing educational data about other students is part of the defined job duties.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 400 Points Legitimate Educational Interest When can students access other students’ information?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 500 Points Legitimate Educational Interest The faculty member is teaching a course with an enforced pre-requisite.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 500 Points Legitimate Educational Interest When can a faculty member request to see specific grades earned by a student?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 100 Points The letter “F” First, prior to doing so.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 100 Points The letter “F” When do you check suppression/non- disclosure before releasing directory information?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 200 Points The letter “F” The Family Policy Compliance Office in the Department of Education.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 200 Points The letter “F” What agency is charged with enforcing FERPA?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 300 Points The letter “F” Forever (unless he/she change his/her mind).
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 300 Points The letter “F” How long does a student’s choice to limit the release of public data stand?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 400 Points The letter “F” Financial records of parent.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 400 Points The letter “F” What is an exception to inspect and review?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 500 Points The letter “F” Five.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 500 Points The letter “F” What number is often used as the definition of information not being aggregate?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 100 Points Data and Information When the student is counted as being “in attendance”.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 100 Points Data and information When do a student’s FERPA rights begin?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 200 Points Data and information If student-identifying information is obfuscated.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 200 Points Data and information How can a faculty post student grades in a public space?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 300 Points Data and information Never, never, never (without express written permission to do so).
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 300 Points Data and information When is it acceptable to confirm a student’s Social Security Number?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 400 Points Data and information Sole possession notes, law enforcement records, employment records, medical records.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 400 Points Data and information What is not considered an “education record”?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 500 Points Data and information Information not generally considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 500 Points Data and information How is directory information defined?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 100 Points FERPA Wildcard! A grade, an opinion, or a substantive decision made by a school about a student.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 100 Points FERPA Wildcard! What portions of the education record can a student NOT seek to amend?
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 200 Points FERPA Wildcard! What is the best way to contact students via ?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 300 Points FERPA Wildcard! Parents.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 300 Points FERPA Wildcard! Who wants information that they legally don’t have a right to (but think they do and tell you so)?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 400 Points FERPA Wildcard! The data included is a federally pre-defined set, non-negotiable by the institution.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 400 Points FERPA Wildcard! How is Solomon amendment “student recruiting information” different than “directory information” under FERPA?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER 500 Points FERPA Wildcard! Nothing.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION 500 Points FERPA Wildcard! What records does FERPA require that we keep?
BACK TO CATEGORIES ANSWER Final Jeopardy It depends.
BACK TO CATEGORIES QUESTION Final Jeopardy What is the most common response to a question about FERPA?
BACK TO CATEGORIES Your questions and we’ll provide the answers