Activities relevant to Neutrinos in the UK Alfons Weber Oxford/RAL Durham, 11-Mar-2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Activities relevant to Neutrinos in the UK Alfons Weber Oxford/RAL Durham, 11-Mar-2011

Motivation New experiments are needed to measure  13, determine mass hierarchy and observe CP violation in neutrinos CP violation essential ingredient for leptogenesis responsible for matter-antimatter asymmetry Next round experiments to search  13 : T2K, NOvA, reactor experiments (Double Chooz, Daya Bay, RENO) Double Chooz NOvA T2K ND280 Mar 2011

Motivation Beyond the next round we have three options: –Super-Beams: (eg FNAL-DUSEL, T2KK, SPL-Frejus, CERN- Pyhasalmi….) –Beta Beams: decay of 6 He and 18 Ne –Neutrino Factory: decay of 25 GeV muons Neutrino Factory SPL-MEMPHYS Beta Beam Mar 2011

Neutrino Factory detectors Mar 2011 Multi Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC) kt MIND Scintillator +WLS fibre Toroidal B-field: T 14 m

Wrong sign muon identification Mar 2011 Numu efficiency Anti-numu efficiency 50% wrongsignmuondetector Test muon charge identification capabilities in MIND test beam. Background: 10 -4

Totally Active Scintillator Detector (TASD) 3 cm 1.5 cm 15 m 100 m –35 kton –10,000 modules –1000 cells per plane –Total: 10M channels o Momenta between 100 MeV/c to 15 GeV/c o Magnetic field considered: 0.5 T o Reconstructed position resolution ~ 4.5 mm o Can also do proton decay: Reduction threshold: access second oscillation maximum and electron identification

TASD Muon charge mis-ID rate Visual scans: electron charge ID efficiency (~80%) At what momentum and density can one perform electron charge ID? Electron charge ID efficiency Mar 2011

Relevant WP/Task o Task 8.2.1: –Develop test beam area in H8 beamline (North Area at CERN) –A study of the upgrade of the H8 beam to deliver low energy electrons, muons and hadrons for neutrino experiment prototypes o Task 8.5.2: –Build a Magnetised Iron Neutrino Detector (MIND) prototype –Install a Totally Active Scintillating Detector prototype inside the Morpurgo magnet –This will allow to test both electron and muon charge ID in the same test beam –Apart from the equipment, detectors and electronics we would also need a DAQ (would the common DAQ be suitable?) –MIND prototype becomes a facility for other users in the test beam Mar 2011

Milestones and deliverables Task 8.2.1: design study for low energy particle beam line –MS27: Specifications for beam line fixed (month 12) –D8.3: Design study on low energy beam line: Design and implementation study on a low energy beam to the range of 1 (or possibly less) and 10 GeV (month 26) Task 8.5.2: TASD and MIND –MS28: Design of TASD and MIND (month 26) –MS36: Installation of TASD and MIND (month 33) –D8.11: Infrastructure performance and utilization - TASD and MIND are constructed and tested for their performance. (Will there be test beams in 2014?) Mar 2011

Low Energy Beamline

Beamline Instrumentation o Totally Active Scintillator prototype in Morpurgo magnet: electron charge ID test o Magnetised Iron prototype: iron (3 cm) scintillators (2cm) beam 2 m B=1 T 3 m

o Test beam activity with TASD and MIND prototypes: ― Measurement of muon charge ID in MIND ― Measurement of electron charge ID in TASD. Beamline Instrumentation

o MIND will become an integral part of infrastructure and is used as muon catcher and spectrometer, for testing other prototypes (water Cherenkov, liquid argon, etc.)

o Groups that have expressed interest: Geneva (lead), CERN, Fermilab, Valencia, Sofia, UK (Glasgow, RAL/Oxford, Liverpool, Imperial, Warwick, Brunel), France (LLR Palaiseau, IPN Strasbourg, LAPP Annecy), INR Moscow –MIND design: 3-4 cm thick magnetized iron, two 1.0 cm scintillator planes per iron plate –With 50 planes: depth of ~2 m of iron plus 100 cm of scintillator –Muon charge separation studies –Hadronic shower resolution studies up to 20 GeV. –Magnetisation: 1-2 T –Total size prototype: ~2x2x3 m 3 –Read out MPPC with T2K electronics ~2000 channels MIND

o Groups that have expressed intererst: Geneva (lead), CERN, Fermilab, Valencia, Sofia, UK (Glasgow, RAL/Oxford, Liverpool, Imperial, Warwick, Brunel), France (LLR Palaiseau, IPN Strasbourg, LAPP Annecy), INR Moscow –TASD prototype: 48-plane unit with Minerva style scintillator and MPPC (SiPMT) readout: ~ 1m 3 detector (~3000 ch.) –SiPMTs from T2K ND280 can be used including sci-fi connectors –Large aperture Morpurgo dipole magnet (1.6m diameter) –Electronics: T2K design –Tests with variable spacing: 1mm-2cm air between planes (density 100%-40%) 1.56 T TASD

T2K Electronics Used to readout MPPCs in near detectors –INGRID, P0D, ECAL, SMRD Key performance –Dual range ADC (effective bit, LSB 5*10 4 e - ) –TDC (2.5 nsec) Flexible integration/readout cycle –Reset > 100 nsec –Integration < 2 usec Triggering –External –Limited “self-triggering” capability Mar 2011

17 47k 50V, pF 50V pF 100V pF 100V pF 100V R LV nF LV k LV, 0402 trip-t 10pF 100V, 0603 HVglobal HVtrim(0-5V) cal test pulse coax sheath not DC coupled to GND SiPM 47k 50V, 0402 HVGlobal common to all Individual adjustment via HVtrim significant no. of passives/channel – need careful, high density layout PD  TFB Connection Signal splitting to increase dynamic range

Pictures Frontend board: TFB –64 ch Backend board: RMM –48 TFBs Mar 2011

19 Spill Structure 8 (15) batches Separated by 540 (241) nsec charge integrated in batches Bunch Structure Spill Structure 58ns 540ns 58ns 540ns 58ns 540ns 58ns 540ns 58ns 540ns 58ns 540ns 58ns 540ns 58ns s 4.2µs integratio n reset Time Structure s

System Layout Mar 2011

o Plans to modify H8 beamline for low energy applications, including neutrino R&D test beams as part of AIDA o Aim to build TASD and MIND prototypes and test muon and electron charge identification. o These detectors remain in test beam as part of the facility for other users o Other users will be able to request time on beam through trans-national access AIDA package: access to travel funds and support to carry out test beams using this infrastructure for other detector R&D. Summary
