A - Z Math By Alan Gane
Adding Polynomials Adding Polynomials is simply grouping like terms.
BFSD BFSD is a short form phrase for "Best Friends Share Desert," but is really stating the order of the steps. It is used when we find the variable to an equality or inequality.
Combining like terms Combining like terms is very similar to adding Polynomials. To combine like terms we need to group similar terms to find out their value.
Denominato r A denominator is the bottom number in a fraction. It shows how many parts makes a whole.
Equilateral Triangle An equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all of the sides are the same length. All the angles of an equilateral triangle are 60°.
Find missing angles on triangles Every triangles angles will add up to 180° regardless of the triangle type.
Graphing Linear Equations Graphing linear equations is quite simple if you know linear equations. To graph them, you take the numbers from the "X" column and place them across the "X" axis, then with the equation column you line it up with the "Y" axis. You will know if you've done it right when you have a straight line of dots.
How to divide fractions Dividing fractions is quite easy if you use the right method. With the method I learned all you do is reciprocate one of the fractions, then multiply them.
Isosceles Triangle An isosceles triangle is a triangle where two of the sides are the same length, and one side is different. In an isosceles triangle two of the angles are always the same, while one is different.
Just Do It "Just do it" is a term we use when we want to multiply fractions. It means just multiply the fraction. There's nothing special to it.
Kilometer A kilometer is a unit used when measuring length. The term kilo is used because it is made up of 1000 meters. Kilometer is the unit Canadians use rather than Miles.
Like Terms Terms whose variables (and their exponents such as the 2 in x2) are the same. Ex. 7x and 2x are like terms because the variables are both "x". But 7x and 7x2 are NOT like terms
Monomial A monomial is a Polynomial with just one term.
Numerato r A numerator is the top number in a fraction. It shows how many parts of a whole we have.
Order of Operations Order of Operations is the order in which we complete a math question. An acronym we use is 'BEDMAS'
Pythagorean Theorem Pythagorean theorem is a theorem we use if we want to find the length of a side on a right triangle, or if we want to find outfit a triangle is a right triangle. It works only with right triangles.
Quadran t A quarter of a circle. It is formed by two radii at a right angle in the centre.
Radius The radius is within a circle. It is a point from the centre to an outer edge. It could also be looked at as half of the diameter.
Scalene Triangle A scalene triangle is a triangle where all of the sides are a different length. All the angles are different.
Tangen t A tangent is a line that touches a circle at one point on the outside but is never crossing over it. A tangent will ALWAYS create a right angle with the radius at the point of contact. Tangents can also create another triangle.
Unequa l The term unequal refers to two things not being equal.
Volum e Volume is the amount of space a 3-Dimensional object occupies.
Whole Number A whole number is a number without a fraction or a decimal to it.
X axis An X axis is a line on a graph that runs horizontally through 0. It can be used to help you measure.
Y axis A Y axis is a line on a graph that runs vertically through 0. It can be used to help you measure.
Zero Pairs Zero pairs are pairs of numbers that cancel each other out. It is often used when finding variables.
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