Next round CNS PNS Neuron Senses See & Say Brain bits
CNS100 Part of brain that coordinates muscular movement Ans: What is the cerebellum? Return.
CNS200 Controls the right side of the body Ans: What is the left side of the brain? Return.
CNS300 Increase surface area of cerebrum Ans: What are folds or convolutions (gyri & sulci)? Return.
CNS400 2 endocrine glands found inside the brain Ans: What are pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus ? Return.
CNS500 3 protective structures for the brain Ans: What are skull, cerebrospinal fluid, and meninges? Return.
PNS100 Nerves that come away from the spine Ans: What are spinal nerves? Return.
PNS200 Nerves that come away from the brain Ans: What are cranial nerves? Return.
PNS300 2 divisions of the autonomic nervous system Ans: What are sympathetic and parasympathetic? Return.
PNS400 Works during “flight or fight” response Ans: What is the sympathetic system? Return.
PNS500 Parasympathetic system works during this “steady- state condition” Ans: What is homeostasis? Return.
Neuron100 Gap between two neurons Ans: What is a synapse? Return.
Neuron200 Branching end of cell body Ans: What is a dendrite? Return.
Neuron300 Fatty tissue that covers an axon Ans: What is myelin? Return.
Neuron400 Action potential Ans: What is an electical impulse? Return.
Neuron500 Cluster of neurons not part of brain or spinal cord Ans: What is a ganglion? Return.
Senses100 Functions of the ear Ans: What are balance and hearing? Return.
Senses200 “window” of the eye Ans: What is the cornea? Return.
Senses300 3 bones in the inner ear Ans: What are stirrup, anvil, and hammer (stapes, maleus, incus)? Return.
Senses400 Tastes of the tongue Ans: What are bitter, sweet, sour, umami and salty? Return.
Senses 500 Main receptors found in nose Ans: What olfactory or chemoreceptors? Return.
See & Say 100 RECEPTOR ______ EFFECTOR Ans: What is CONDUCTOR? Return.
See & Say 200 The part colored Light blue Ans: What is VITREOUS humor? Return.
See & Say 300 Ans: What is HOMUNCULUS? Return.
See & Say 400 Ans: What is OPTICAL ILLUSION? Return.
See & Say 500 Light cornea aqueous pupil ____ vitreous retina optic nerve Ans: What is LENS? Return.
Brain bits main lobes of cerebrum Ans: What are frontal, temporal, occipital, parietal? Return.
Brain Bits 200 Allows you see active part of brain during various activities Ans: What is PET (Positron Electron Tomography)? Return.
Brain Bits 300 Part of frontal lobe involved in thinking and judgement Ans: What is the prefrontal cortex? Return.
Brain Bits 400 part of frontal lobe involved in movement Ans: What is the motor cortex? Return.
Brain Bits 500 System in brain that allows you to block out background noise Ans: What is reticular formation? Return.
Double Jeopardy
CNSPNSSENSESSee & SayBrain Bits Neuron
CNS200 Fluid that supports the brain Ans: What is cerebrospinal? Return.
CNS 400 Return. Reaction that doesn’t require the brain Ans: What is a reflex?
CNS 600 Controls involuntary functions (heartbeat, breathing, etc.) Ans: What the brain stem? Return.
CNS 800 Gray matter Ans: What is the main tissue of cerebrum, mainly involved in processing information? Return.
CNS 1000 Percent of oxygen used by the brain and its percent of body weight Ans: What 20% of oxygen and 2% of body weight? Return.
PNS200 Division that controls voluntary movements Ans: What is somatic? Return.
PNS 400 Division that controls involuntary actions Ans: What autonomic? Return.
PNS 600 Ans: What is adrenaline or epinephrine? Return. Hormone stimulated by the sympathetic division of the autonomic system that can give you enough strength to lift a car
PNS 1000 Transplanting nerves from one part of one’s body to another Ans: What is a nerve transfer? Return.
PNS 800 Nerves that come from the chest region Ans: What are thoracic? Return..
SENSES200 Receptors that detect movement Ans: What are mechanoreceptors? Return.
SENSES 400 Ans: What is iris? Return. Muscular part of eye that gives you your eye “color”
SENSES 600 Ans: What are nose, ear, eye, tongue, skin? Return. 5 sense organs
SENSES 800 Ans: What are photoreceptors or optic receptors? Return.. Receptors used in vision
SENSES 1000 Part of ear most responsible for hearing Ans: What is the cochlea? Return.
NEURON 200 The long cylinder that the electrical impulse jumps along when covered with myelin Ans: What is the axon? Return.
NEURON 400 The electrical impulse “jumps” from these to these Ans: What are nodes of Ranvier? Return.
NEURON 600 Neurotransmitters are either destroyed or _____after the message has been received Ans: What is reabsorbed and repackaged by the pre-synaptic neuron? Return.
NEURON 800 An impulse travels as chemical as it goes from this to this Ans: What is the pre-synaptic nob to the post-synaptic nob? Return.
NEURON 1000 The neurotransmitter that is most affected by drugs Ans: What is Dopamine? Return.
SEE & SAY200 Ans: What is the central nervous system? Return.
SEE & SAY 400 Ans: What is the iris and pupil? Return.
SEE & SAY 600 Ans: What is peripheral vision? Return.
SEE & SAY 800 Ans: What is the medulla oblongata? Return.
SEE & SAY 1000 The neurotransmitter that is excitatory Ans: What is glutamate? Return.
BRAIN BITS 200 Lobe that is involved in vision Ans: What is occipital? Return.
BRAIN BITS 400 Ans: What is the sensory cortex of the parietal lobe? Return. part of the brain that your “little man”represents
BRAIN BITS 600 Ans: What is limbic system and temporal lobe? Return. Brain parts Involved with emotions
BRAIN BITS800 Part of brain most affected by drug use Ans: What is the reward system? Return.
BRAIN BITS 1000 Ans: What is false, REM sleep occurs in intervals during sleep? Return. Your brain completely shuts down when you sleep. TRUE/FALSE and Why?
Final Jeopardy Category: Brain
Describe the brain of a schizophrenic compared to a normal brain Ans: What is larger ventricles and smaller prefrontal cortex?
How the brain of a drug addict is altered Ans: What is blocked dopamine receptors, changes in reward pathway?
The brain part most critical in adolescent development Ans: What is the pre-frontal cortex?