Bio 241 Practice Lab By Abeze Gebre
Name this body region 1
Name this body region 2
Name this body region 3
Name this body cavity 4
Name this body region 5
Name this body region 6
Name this body region 7
Name this body region 8
Name this body cavity 9
Name this body region 10
Answer 1)Popliteal 2)Sacral 3)Inguinal 4)Pelvic cavity 5)Femoral 6)Tarsal 7)Acromial 8) Lumbar 9)Cranial cavity 10) Plantar
1. Identify this tissue
2. Identify the tissue
3. Identify the tissue
4. Identify the tissue
5. Identify the tissue
6. Identify the tissue
7. Identify the tissue
8. Identify this tissue
9. Identify this tissue
10. Identify this tissue
1)Psedostratified columnar epithelium 2)Areolar CT 3)Dense regular CT Answer 1)Psedostratified columnar epithelium 2)Areolar CT 3)Dense regular CT 4)Dense irregular CT 5)Hyaline cartilage CT 6) Skeletal muscle 7)Cardiac muscle 8)Smooth muscle 9)Nervous tissue 10) Fibrocartilage CT
1.Part of bone
2.Part of bone
3.Name of this suture
4.what is the name of this canal?
5.Name this sinus A B
6.Name this bone
7.Part of bone
8.Part of bone
9.Parts of bone
10.Part of the bone
Answer 1) Styloid process 2) Ethmoid bone 3) Lamboid suture 4) optic canal 5) Sphenoid sinus 6) Axis 7)Dens 8)Sacral Promontory 9)Deltoid Tuberosity 10) Linea aspera
1.Classify this joint
2.Classify this joint
3. Name of this joint
4.Name this body movements
5.Name body movements. 1.
6.Name body movements. 1 2.
7.Name body movements.
8.Name body movement.
9.Name body movement
10.Name body movement
Answer 1) Fibrous joints 2) Cartilaginous joint 3) Synovial joint 4) Flexion 5) Pronation 6) Plantar Flexion 7)Inversion 8)Rotation 9)Protraction 10) Abduction
1.Mauscles name 1 3 2
2.Names of muscles 4 6 5
3.Muscle names 9 7 8
4.Name this muscle 10
ANSWER 1) Orbicularis oculi 2) Zygomaticus 3) Sternocleidomastoid 4) Pectineus 5) Rectus Femoris 6) Sartorius 7) Adductor magnus 8) Gracilis 9) Semitendinous 10) Gastrocnemius
Name this part of the brain 2 3 1 4
Name this part of the brain 5 6 7
Name part of the brain 8 9 10
9)Arbor vitae (of cerebellum) 10)Cerebellum Answer 1) pituitary gland 2)Thalamus 3)Pineal gland 4)4th Ventricle 5)Optic chiasma 6)Pons 7)Medulla oblongata 8)Corpus callosum 9)Arbor vitae (of cerebellum) 10)Cerebellum
Spinal nerves. 1 2 3
section of spinal cord 6 7 8 5 4 9 10
2)Lumbar enlargement 3)Cauda equina 4)ventral root Answer 1) Cervical enlargement 2)Lumbar enlargement 3)Cauda equina 4)ventral root 5)Dorsal root ganglion 6) Dorsal root 7)Gray commissure 8)spinal nerve 9)central canal 10)spinal dura mater
Name the structure of eye 1 2
Name the structure of eye. 5 6 7 4 3
Name this gland 9 10 8
2) Inferior oblique 3) Vitreous humor (posterior) 4) Lens 5) Choroid Answer 1) superior oblique 2) Inferior oblique 3) Vitreous humor (posterior) 4) Lens 5) Choroid 6) Sclera 7) Optic nerve 8) Nasolacrimal duct 9) Lacrimal duct 10) Lacrimal sac
Nam the structure of the ear 1 2 3
Name the structure of the ear. 10 4 9 8 5 6 7
2) External acoustic meatus Answer 1) Auricle (pinna) 2) External acoustic meatus 3)Tympanic membrane 4) Malleus (hammer) 5) Incus (anvil) 6) Stapes (stirrup) 7) Auditory tube 8) Cochlea 9) Vestibule 10) Semicircular canals