Updates and Related Legislations
Republic Act No otherwise known as the “Biofuels” Act of 2006 To develop and utilize renewable and sustainable clean energy Reduce dependence on imported fuel all gasoline fuel distributed and sold by each and every oil company in the country must contain a minimum of (10%) blend of bioethanol by volume.
Emission testing The EMB evaluates newly manufactured, assembled or imported vehicles for conformity with emission standards started in 2000, and issues Certificates of conformity to manufacturers, assemblers, or importers of new motor vehicles. Motor vehicles are required to undergo annual emission testing in Private Emission Testing Centers (PETC)
Emission testing
City programs Annual “Tigil Buga” activity, started in 2007 Every Earth day Every Earth day1 minute engine shut off at specific areas in Makati, 8:00 am – 8:01 am
“Tigil Buga”