TRANSPORTATION $1,500,000 REDUCTION Transportation is not provided to students that live within two miles of their home school NISD is one of the few districts that provided transportation services to all students Triple staggered starting times are to balance routes Consistent criteria used throughout the district Hazardous routes Street, crosswalk and crossing guard needs are being addressed by the cities Letters mailed to all parents to communicate their student’s eligibility Exceptions Kindergarten New students Impact of delaying buses given Triple Staggered Starting times Field trips Calling buses back for students that miss the bus
TRANSPORTATION FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who is the idiot that recommended this? Dennis (please don’t give my last name) What if I feel that my house is more than 2 miles from the school? The walking distance was estimated by the computer. We will be happy to actually drive the walking route if requested. What other options do I have? Before school day care facilities that provide transportation services. Neighborhood car pools. Private shuttle services. Who is responsible for the crossing guards? The individual cities Why doesn’t NISD charge for transportation like Keller? The two mile eligibility change is something that Keller ISD as well as all surrounding Districts have practiced for many years. Next year Keller ISD has decided to eliminate all regular education transportation. The “Pay-To-Ride” program is their attempt to provide transportation services to those that are able and willing to pay. Can students who are not eligible for transportation walk to a bus stop that is outside the two mile area? No. The savings that have been identified have resulted from the reduction in the number of buses. Allowing ineligible students to walk to a bus stop will overload buses and require the addition of routes.
ENERGY $1,200,000 REDUCTION Already accomplished through our energy program Relies primarily on adherence to current practices Savings were previously used to fund energy enhancements Control changes Gym light replacement Stricter adherence to procedures Computer shut downs Personal appliances
RECYCLING Scheduled trash pick-ups Community abuse by dumping Personal garbage Furniture Appliance Violators are being pursued
MISCELLANEOUS MAINTENANCE SERVICES $750,000 REDUCTION Custodial Services Buildings will continue to be sanitized Changes will result in Reduction in the frequency of vacuuming rooms Reduce the floor finishes Landscape Services Reduce irrigation Reduce the frequency of mowing Simplify landscape Other services Table rental Use of maintenance personnel