Dutch plan for finalising Hair software package Alterra – Wageningen University and Research Centre Roel Kruijne Working Group Meeting on Pesticide Statistics, Poznan, October 14 th 2009
Overview of presentation Introduction Proposal finalising Hair Hair Database components Hair Risk indicators Discussion ….
Introduction - Alterra Centre for Water and Climate – research team Environmental Risk Assessment Expertises Pesticide fate in the environment Experimental fate and effect studies Software development for registration purposes and policy evaluations
Introduction – Sustainable use of pesticides Dutch policy document on sustainable plant protection (3 rd NAP, 1998–2008) Chronic aquatic risk indicator (spray drift and losses from farm yards) Reduction targets for aquatic risk, occupational risk, and food safety Environmental risk indicators Exposure Toxicity Ratio for the aquatic ecosystem
Introduction - Proposal finalising Hair Meeting in Brussel on July 9, 2009 with EC and Hair consortium representatives Alterra will propose how to solve the problems with the current Hair software, taking into account The Hair contract and Hair project results Recommendations and issues raised by Arcadis Belgium BV Discussions at the Working Group Meeting in Poznan, October 14, 2009 …
Proposal finalising Hair Approach Make a more robust version of Hair Select the indicators that can be used without problems by the Commission and MS (and discard those with problems related to data availability) Test the selected indicators and improve the (technical) documentation of the software
Hair Database components GIS related data Compound data Usage and sales data
Hair Database components – GIS related data Climate, soil, land use, surface water data are stored at 10K and 25K resolution These different resolutions give the same information We propose to remove the 25K resolution from the current database
Hair Database components – Compound data (1) The current compound database in Hair consists of multiple tables originating from different research institutes The design is complex and difficult to manage by the users Problems with data integrity and redundancy can be expected
Hair Database components – Compound data (2) We propose To implement one single format that contains all compound properties required To implement less strict rules for the replacement of missing compound properties within Hair To improve the interface between the Hair compound database and the external database used by EUROSTAT
Hair Database components – Use data Hair contains use data at 2 scale levels Regional based applications (NUTS1) Field based application patterns during a full crop cycle, for calculating SPEAR indicators We propose to support only the regional scale level
Risk indicators – Terrestrial We propose To remove (1) and to modify (2) some indicators To remove specific algorithms for granular applications and seed treatments (3)
Risk indicators – surface water and groundwater We propose to remove the SPEAR indicator (requires field based application patterns during a full crop cycle)
Risk indicators for consumers Food intake rates for adults, childs (Acute, Chronic) Cumulation of MRL data based on use data and food consumption data. Problems due to lack of input data (monitoring food residues, population density, deposition on edible parts and crop parameters) We propose to leave consumer indicators out of Hair
Risk indicators for workers We propose to include the indicators for workers and bystanders
Discussion Agreement has to be reached between Alterra and the Commission on the approach Our proposal to finish Hair is open for discussion …
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