A Digital Resource on The Integument Welcome to this digital resource on the histology of the integument. This resource is designed to aid your mastery of the integument by allowing you to revisit the material presented during lab. The material presented here corresponds with the material presented during lab. In fact you will need your lab exercise, the Histology of the Integument to progress through this digital resource. We hope you find this material helpful. However it should not take the place of slide observation in the laboratory. To fully appreciate histological detail and completely explore a slide of the integument you should observe the slide through the microscope. Also all slide tests involve histology presented through the microscope.
Integument: The Epidermis Plantar low Arrangement simple startified psuedostratified Thickness >10
Integument: The Epidermis Plantar high Arrangement simple startified psuedostratified Thickness >10
Integument: The Epidermis Plantar low Cell Size consistent variable Cell Shape consistent variable
Integument: The Epidermis Plantar high Cell Size consistent variable Cell Shape consistent variable
Integument: The Epidermis Plantar low Surface Cells squamous cuboidal columnar Sublayers yes no If yes, number
Integument: The Epidermis Plantar high Surface Cells squamous cuboidal columnar Sublayers yes no If yes, number
Integument: The Dermis Plantar scanning Connective Tissue fibrous adipose cartilage bone Arrangement dense regular dense irregular loose
Integument: The Dermis Plantar low Connective Tissue fibrous adipose cartilage bone Arrangement dense regular dense irregular loose
Integument: The Dermis Plantar low Vascularity avascular poor very
Integument: The Dermis Plantar high Vascularity avascular poor very
Integument: The Dermis Plantar scanning Adipose through dermis superficial dermis deep
Integument: Plantar vs. Scalp Plantar lpScalp lp Comparison thickest epidermissweat glands thickest dermishair follicles wavy junction dermis and epidermissebaceous glands vascular dermisarrector pili best withstands frictionadipose adapted for multidirectional stress
Integument: Plantar vs. Scalp Plantar hpScalp hp Comparison thickest epidermissweat glands thickest dermishair follicles wavy junction dermis and epidermissebaceous glands vascular dermisarrector pili best withstands frictionadipose adapted for multidirectional stress
Integument: Plantar vs. Scalp Plantar hpScalp hp Comparison thickest epidermissweat glands thickest dermishair follicles wavy junction dermis and epidermissebaceous glands vascular dermisarrector pili best withstands frictionadipose adapted for multidirectional stress