Cell theory lab: Group leaders must choose who reads each slide!!!
Cells make up all living things!!!!!
Cell theory You can use the books or computer for your research 1.What is the cell theory? 2. Who helped write the cell theory? List 3 3. List 3 parts of the cell theory? 4. What is mitosis? 5. What are the life functions of a cell? 6. Create a timeline that describes important dates in cell theory and microscope history.
All living things are made up of cells. Bacteria cells Protozoa cells Fungi cells Plant cells and Animal cells
the story of the Cell theory 1 In 1665, Robert Hooke used a microscope to look at a thin slice of cork. He saw tiny little shapes that looked like little rooms with walls around each of them. He named them cellulae. This Latin word means "little rooms." 2 Almost two hundred years passed by. Microscopes were improved. In 1838, Matthias Schleiden saw that all plants were made of cells. At almost the same time, Theodor Schwann saw that all animals were made of cells. In 1855, Rudolf Virchow determined that all cells came from other cells. These three things are the basis of the Cell Theory: 1. All living things are made of one or more cells. 2. Cells are the smallest unit of life. 3. All cells come from other cells.
CELLS CELL THEORY states: – CELLS ARE THE basic UNIT OF LIFE to complete basic life functions: reproduction, respiration, excretion, growth, nutrition, & metabolism – ALL CELLS HAVE DNA – ALL CELLS come FROM older CELLS
The CELL THEORY states that all organisms are made of similar units of organization, called cells. The theory was published in 1839 by Schleiden & Schwann.
Robert Hooke discovered the first cells. Cork Cells were thought to have been these cells. Anton von Leeuwenhoek was first to observe one celled living things. Examples of these were bacteria and parameciums.
Early Cell theory history Robert Hooke - The first person to see cells, he was looking at cork and noted that he saw "a great many boxes. (1665) Anton van Leeuwenhock - Observed living cells in pond water, which he called "animalcules" (1673) Theodore Schwann - zoologist who observed that the tissues of animals had cells (1839) Mattias Schleiden - botonist, observed that the tissues of plants contained cells ( 1845) Rudolf Virchow - also reported that every living thing is made of up vital units, known as cells. He also predicted that cells come from other cells (mitosis is cell reproduction). (1850 )
Step 1: Discovery of Micro- organisms Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek made one of the earliest microscopes. Discovered micro- organisms which he called animalcules. Microscopes not as good as today.
Microscope scientists Formulation of the Cell Theory In 1838, Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden describe plant cells and animal cells.Theodor SchwannMatthias Schleiden Rudolph Virchow's "All cells come from other older cells".
Cell theory. Schwann published his book on animal cells (Schwann 1839) Schleiden’s book about plant cells (1838). 3 theories about cells: 1. Every living organism is made of one or more cells. All Cells have DNA. 2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and function. It is the smallest unit that can perform life functions. 3. All cells come from pre-existing cells. (cell reproduction is mitosis)
Cell theory The Cell Theory includes: 1. All living things are made up of cells. 2. The cell completes all life functions- reproduction, excretion, growth, nutrition, & metabolism. 3. All cells come from other cells by reproduction (mitosis). 4. Cells contains hereditary information (DNA) which is passed from cell to cell by mitosis
Cell theory You can use the books or computer for your research 1.What is the cell theory? 2. Who helped write the cell theory? List 3 3. List 3 parts of the cell theory? 4. What is mitosis? 5. What are the life functions of a cell? 6. Create a timeline that describes important dates in cell theory and microscope history.