AP Lab 1 Osmosis & Diffusion
Objectives – for main concept How does osmosis & diffusion work? Do all particles cross the membrane? Do things flow from low to high or high to low? Diffusion – movement of particles; osmosis – specifically water Pg. 8 Molarity is solute concentration – don’t do
Exercise 1A Using dialysis tubing – semi-permeable membrane Placing glucose/starch solution in bag Putting bag into distilled water – test for presence of starch and glucose
1A New table – put Yes or no CupCupBagBag Before After GluStarGlustar
Exercise 1B – “animal cell” More dialysis tubing Pouring different sucrose concentrations in bag Placing bags in distilled water Mass of bags before and after
Exercise 1C – “plant cell” Taking potato cores and placing it in different sucrose solutions Set up while bags are running This runs overnight Take mass before and after
Exercise 1D We’ll do together Do not write up in pre-lab
Exercise 1E Observing plasmolysis under the microscope Using red onion cells – add salt water and observe Do while bags are running