3 rd Grade Meet, Greet, and Sneak a Peek Welcome to Mrs. Miller’s Class
Our Daily Schedule 8:00 – 8:25Morning Announcements/ Accelerated Reader 8:15 – 8:45Calendar Math 8:45 – 9:25ELA 9:25 – 10:15Specials 10:15 – 11:15Writing 11:15 – 12:06Reading 12:06 – 12:36Lunch 12:36 – 1:00TDPE 1:00 – 2:00Math 2:00 – 2:35Science or Social Studies 2:35 – 2:45Pack up and Clean up 2:45 – 2:15Dismissal
Reading Whole group and small groups will work on a story of the week and this will also include a STAAR skill. Students’ reading level will be assessed at the beginning of the year using the STAR reading test and then every six weeks. Results in student growth will go home in report cards. Read at least 15 minutes nightly at home; either, the weekly story or AR book. Your child will receive a weekly folder that has their individual AR points and AR average. The AR point goal for every six weeks is 8 points. In order to be AR Recognized, students need an AR average of 85% or higher!
Writing/ DOL Writing will be worked on throughout the school. Different types of writing will be discussed, reviewed, and then practiced in the classroom. DOL (Daily Oral Language) will be handed out on Monday morning to be tested on Friday. DOL will have 4 sentences that have grammatical mistakes. We will work on one sentence every day in class. This needs to be practiced that evening. DOL tests will be given on Fridays.
Spelling/ Vocabulary Spelling lists will be sent home every Friday for the next week. First week’s spelling words will be sent home the first day of school. Different activities will be completed throughout the week to reinforce the spelling, but practice at home is very important for success in weekly spelling tests!! Tests are held on Fridays, unless we are not in school that Friday. Vocabulary lists are handed out with the spelling list. Tests over the definitions are held on Thursday.
Birthdays Birthdays are not celebrated in the classroom in the form of treats or a party. We will sing to your child in the classroom and our child will have a chance to go to the birthday box!
Grading Scale A is B is C is D is F is 59 and under
Parent Communication Please feel free to write a note in your child’s Leopard notebook as needed; I do try to check their notebooks on a daily basis, but please have your child bring a note to my attention. You can also feel free to me at or call me at Parent Conferences are scheduled on an as needed basis by the parent and/or teacher. LEOPARD notebooks 1.Sign the PAWTRACKER over the weekend and return it on Monday morning 2.Monday take out all graded papers and sign AR folder
Class Rules Be nice and respectful Follow directions the first time Be a good listener Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself Raise your hand to speak
Assessments Fluency tests are given each week STAR reading tests are given each 6 weeks Six Weeks tests are given the last week of each 6 weeks.
Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent teacher conferences are held on an as needed basis. Of course, I am available throughout the week to meet with you about your child…please just let me know when you would like to meet. Vice versa – if I’d like to meet with you about your child, I may contact you during the school year to set up a conference.
How to help your child at home Reading: Read with or to your child nightly for at least 15 minutes. Ask your child questions DURING and AFTER reading. Help your child learn to spell and read the spelling and vocabulary words that are sent home each week.
Money Please do not send loose money to school with your child. Put money in his/her LEOPARD notebook “money baggy” so that it does not get lost. Please write what the money is for. Make sure your child tells the teacher that he/she brought money to school as teachers do not look inside student backpacks.
Homework Homework is not given on a daily basis. However, if a student is not able to complete his/her work during the given class time it will become homework. The student is responsible for returning it to school the next day to be checked or graded.
Questions? I’m SO happy that you came!!!! Do you have any questions or concerns?!?! Please let me know!!!
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