Nickname: Mount Rushmore State Region in the U.S: The Midwest Capital City: Pierre Three major cities: Gettysburg, Madison and Lemmon Population: 814,180 people
The flag of South Dakota
The current governor is Dennis Daugard
Borders: North Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Montana and Wyoming Geography: Badlands, Black Hills, Fort Dam, Great Plains
Natural Resources: Gold, silver, clay, gravel, oil, natural gas,lumber YES South Dakota will be good for agriculture because in South Dakota farmers use wheat, sheep, cattle and more
Statehood:Nov , the 40 th state #1:Gold was discovered in Black Hills in 1874 (gold is important mineral resource in South Dakota). 2#:Mount Rushmore National Monument begun in 1927 and was completed in 3#:The Yellowstone sailed up the Missouri River to Tecumseh(now Fort Pierre)
#1: Corn Place( concerts, dances, and many other events are held in the building) #2:”Great Lakes of South Dakota”(Offer boating, fishing, and other water sports)
The largest buffaloes herd is in South Dakota. They live at the standing Butte Ranch near Pierre The world’s largest natural indoors warm- water pool, called Evan’s Plunge, is located in Hot Springs Experiments with buffaloes and Brahman cattle have results of an unusual new animal, the Brahmalo
Hogan Edward, Miller John Edward Hogan, John Miller World Book Millennium 2000 Gab, Orville E., and David A. Wolff. "South Dakota." World Book Student. World Book, Web. 11 June “South Dakota”. Culture Grams States Edition. ProQuest. Web 22 May 2014