Population o There are 10,563 males. o There are 10,919 females. o Population in 2010: 21,482. o Population has changed + 6.2%.
Things to do: There’s the Bramble Park Zoo. A golf course for golfers. Historic sites like Surveyors, Ingalls House. Family Aquatic Park. There’s also an ice arena.
Lake Alice Shores Located in the Glacial Lakes Region of NE South Dakota near Watertown.
Restaurants Subway Empire pizza Castlewood Steak House Wheel Inn Dairy Queen Iron Range Smokehouse Papa Murphy’s Take ‘n’ Bake
Hunting Pheasants Prairie Chicken Sharptail Grouse
Schools Lincoln Elementary Jefferson Elementary Watertown Junior High Roosevelt Elementary McKinley Elementary
Sports Basketball Football
Weather In 27.4 days it snows 32.9 in.
Sources h-Dakota/annual-snowfall.php
Sources dakota/watertown south+dakota&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1283&bih=217&tb m=isch&tbnid=paoprCgSmvk_7M:&imgrefurl= 00lakes.com/lakealice/&docid=AH0pKqkFzzVOZM&imgurl=htt p:// b.jpg&w=600&h=450&ei=AvpqUNCGMIjwrQG4woHAAQ&zoo m=1&iact=rc&dur=2984&sig= &pag e=2&tbnh=112&tbnw=139&start=16&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r :9,s:16,i:156&tx=68&ty=55