Visual Rhetoric Rosaleigh Reed 10/1/2010 A.P.Language
Picture Information This photograph was done on June 24, It’s photographer was Chris Prevatt. This was done in Iowa but went all the way to Washington D.C.
First Impression What is the first thing you see in this picture? What does that then draw your attention to? Do you know what this flag represents? The first thing I notice in this picture is the flag. This is because it is very colorful. It also is bigger than anything else. That then draws my attention to the steeple of the church. This is because it is the next biggest thing in the photograph. This flag represents all of the Gay couples in America. This is their flag. The overall attention is gathered to “there is a gay pride flag on church grounds.”
Audience Who is the main audience of this photograph? The main audience is the government. This is because they are speaking to the government wanting them to give the gays their rights. I also think this is to the people who are for and against gay marriage. This is because they are the ones doing it and they are the ones who will have to make a decision of whether or not to vote gay marriage into the country or vote it out of the country.
Foreground The flag is the foreground. The color in the flag draws your attention because it is the brightest and biggest thing in the photo. The author chose to do this because he knew that it would be the first thing you seen. Also because he wanted to raise awareness of the controversial topic in America.
Background The church is in the background. The size is smaller and is also shorter than the flags appear to be. This makes you look at the church after the flag.
Pathos Does this photograph appeal to your emotions? How does this make you feel? Yes, this photograph does appeal to my emotions. This is because I find this to be a very controversial issue here in the United States. It makes me sad that people would single others out for the smallest things like who they want to be with or who they love.
Ethos Morally how does this appeal to you? Morally no I would never be this way, but I would stand up for gay rights. Most people won’t stand up for this because they believe it is wrong. Well, I myself don’t believe it is wrong I just won’t do it. The worst part of this is that I do have friends that practice this belief and they get singled out and made fun of and no one ever knows because they try to hide it so people will hopefully quit the harassing on a daily basis.
Omission What do you see that would be omitted? In this picture the rest of the city is omitted. The photographer done this because it makes it seem like it is everyone instead of just 20 or 30 people out of thousands. The church is also omitted from the picture for the most part. All you can see is the steeple and the front of the church. This makes it be able to show this being held at any church with a steeple, which 9/10 churches do have.
Technique The gray sky contrast with the bright colors of the flag, because of the contrast your eyes are drawn to the flag. The irony of this is that there is a gay pride flag in front of a CHURCH.
Bibliography :// content/uploads/2009/05/pride-flags- sunset.