Serving The Greater Laurel Community Reverend Leonard Fries on, Jr. Senior Pastor/Teacher Credibility, Compassion, Conviction
ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SUNDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SUNDAY August 30, 2015 A Little One Shall Become A Thousand.....
Join Pastor Frieson today as he continues his new preaching series “Bright Future Ahead”. You won’t want to miss this as Pastor helps to lead us into our brighter futures!
Church Announcement Worship Rehearsal There will be a worship service rehearsal on Wednesday, September 2, 2015 at 7:30pm. All disciples of the following ministries should plan to be present: Open Arms/Gatekeepers, Praise Team, Media Ministry, Finance Team, Elders, Intercessors, and Judah Generation. If you have any questions or concerns please see First Lady!
Preaching Engagement Our Pastor will be preaching at Gospel Missionary Baptist Church on Friday, September 4 th at 7:30pm. This is the church’s Fall Revival. The church is located at 1505 Kenilworth Avenue NE., Washington, DC Pastor Reginald Farmer is the Senior Pastor.
Church Fellowship Engagement GOPCC has been invited to join New Samaritan Baptist Church for their 2015 Prayer Summit “Possessing My Mountains on Saturday September 12, 2015 at 8am until 1:30pm. The church is located at 1100 Florida Ave. NE Washington, DC Bishop Michael V. Kelsey is the Senior Pastor. The cost to attend is $20. Please see a member of the Administrative ministry to sign up.
Church Announcement Ministry Calendar All ministry leaders are asked to submit rehearsal and meeting dates ranging from September 1-December 31, 2015 by Sunday September 13, 2015 to Minister Monique Hagans.
Church Announcement Thank You! Thank you all for your help with packing, and moving things into our new location. Your help was greatly appreciated. We love you!
LIFT Leaders Challenge L.I.F.T. (Let’s Improve our Facility Together) Attention all Leaders! Pastor Frieson would like to honor the family or person who gets the most LIFT pledges by naming a room in our new edifice in your name. So reach out to as many family members and friends as you can and be a part of the vision.
L.I.F.T. Patron Letters & Pledge Forms LIFT Patron Letters are ready to be picked up! All disciples are encouraged to pick up patron letters to distribute to family and friends. You may also provide contact info to any member of the administrative team and we will send out LIFT patron packets to your contact lists. Lets Improve our Facility Together! For more information please see Minister Hagans or any member of the administrative team. Church Announcement
Jersey Sunday! Rep your favorite sports team on Sunday, September 27, 2015 by wearing your favorite jersey and team apparel. Invite friends & family to join in the fun, fellowship & praise!
Church Announcement Church Events Resumes Please take note of upcoming church dates. Bible Study resumes Wednesday, September 23 rd at 7:15pm. GOPCC United Prayer Call resumes Monday, October 12 th at 7pm
Church Announcement Judah Generation Resumes Parents, please note that Sunday School will resume on Sunday, October 4th and continue every 1st and 3rd Sunday. Children’s Church will resume on Sunday, October 11th and continue every 2nd and 4th Sunday.
Church Announcement Judah Generation Extreme Praise Weekend is Coming! Save the Date October 30, 2015 is Judah Generation Extreme Praise weekend. More information will be forth coming!
WEEKLY ANNOUCEMENTS & MINISTRY MEETING COORDINATION Please submit any meeting requests and/or ministry announcements to be considered in the weekly announcements by Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. to Minister Monique Hagans at: PASTORAL MINISTRY MEETINGS & REQUESTS Please coordinate all requested meetings with Pastor Frieson through Sis. Detris Dickens at:
Sunday Service – 10:15am Believer’s Night Bible Study – 7:15pm every 2 nd & 4 th Wednesday For more information regarding our church, ministry event announcements, and online giving opportunities please log onto: Tell a friend to connect with us on facebook and we welcome you to follow us on twitter. Connect With Us
Love Unconditionally, Live Passionately, Lift Intentionally Lift Intentionally (Romans 12:9-16 NKJV)