KINGDOM PLANTAE Unit 2 - Biodiversity
Kingdom Characteristics Multicellular Eukaryotic Cell walls made of cellulose. Autotrophic (photosynthesis) They can make their own food using sunlight, carbon dioxide and water.
Plant Groups Mosses Ferns Gymnosperms (cone bearing plants) Angiosperms (flowering plants) These 4 groups fall into one of 2 major categories Vascular Non-Vascular
Vascular Plants carries H 2 O a long distance plants have roots, leaves, stems 90% of plants are vascular Roots grow continuously, absorb water and minerals. Water exits plants through pores in leaves - stomata Exs. Ferns Gymnosperms Angiosperms
Non-Vascular Plants - Mosses plants lack vascular tissue. no true roots, leaves, or stems. Do have Rhizoids, long thin strands of cells that help hold plant to soil.
Non-Vascular Plants Mosses
Moss Do NOT have vascular tissue Depend on water for reproduction Draw water by osmosis. Grow only a few cm from the ground. First land plants.
First Vascular Plants Ferns
Have vascular tissue – xylem and phloem Produce spores to reproduce Depend on water for reproduction Leaves are called fronds A fiddlehead is a tightly coiled new leaf Underground stem called a rhizome
Cone Bearing Plants Gymnosperms
Reproduce with seeds that are exposed Reproductive structures are cones Large woody cone is female Smaller fleshy cone is male Pollination usually occurs by wind Pollen grains (sperm) have wing-like projections FemaleMale
Flowering Plants Angiosperms
Types of Angiosperms Named on the number of seed leaves or cotyledons. Monocot 1 seed leaf Dicot 2 seed leaf
1 seed leaf Flowering parts in multiples of 3. Parallel veins Vascular bundles scattered Ex. Corn and Lily Fibrous Root
2 seed leaves Flowering parts in multiples of 4 or 5 Branched veins vascular bundles in a ring Tap Root Ex. Bean, Rose, and Maple
Monocots vs. Dicots
FLOWER PARTS (K. PLANTAE) Unit 2 - Biodiversity
Angiosperms Have unique reproductive organs called flowers. Flowers contain ovaries, which surround and protect the seeds once fertilized it becomes a fruit. The seed is enclosed. Ovary develops into a fruit, which protects the seed and helps on dispersal. Contains both male and female parts
Flower Parts The female part is called the pistil. The male part is called the stamen.
Stamen The male reproductive structure of a flowering plant. Consists of two parts anther Contains pollen Filament
Parts of the Stamen Anther the structure located on top of the stamen and produces the pollen.
Parts of the Stamen Pollen Pollen is the male sex cell that donates half of the DNA to make a seed. It is a powdery substance, usually orange or yellow in color, that gets carried by pollinators.
Parts of the Stamen Filament a thread-like part that holds up the anther
Pistil/Carpel the female reproductive structure of a flowering plant
Parts of the Pistil/Carpel The innermost flower part Produces female gametes (ovule) Consists of three parts Stigma Style Ovary
Parts of the Pistil/Carpel Stigma the sticky surface on the top of the pistil; it traps and holds the pollen.
Parts of the Pistil/Carpel Style the tube-like structure that holds up the stigma
Parts of the Pistil/Carpel Ovary the plant part at the bottom of the flower that has ovules inside this turns into the fruit and seeds we eat.
Parts of the Pistil/Carpel Ovules the female sex cells inside the ovary that donate half the DNA to become the seed. (They become the seeds when pollinated or fertilized by the pollen.)
Other Flower Parts Petal the colorful flower parts that surround the reproductive structures. Function is to attract pollinators
Other Flower Parts Sepal the green petal-like parts at the base of the flower; they help protect the bud when it develops
Perfect Flowers Perfect flowers that have both male and female parts (ex. Roses, lilies, and pea plants)
Imperfect Flowers Imperfect: flowers with male or female parts (ex- cucumbers, pumpkins, and melons
Pollinators A pollinator is something that moves pollen from the male parts to the female parts.