Birds of Prey Raptors - to seize and plunder: use feet for killing
Bird Characteristics - Not all birds fly -All have feathers -Preen -Have hollow bones: honeycomb cereal -Lay eggs
Characteristics of Raptors Talons – sharp Powerful feet – ratchet like Excellent eye sight Specialized beak Evolution of bird of prey. Diurnal raptors
Excellent Eye Sight Eyesight 8-10 times greater than ours. Stalking prey
Specialized Beak Turkey Vultures: Hunters of smell
Tomial tooth Allows raptor to break the spine of it’s prey. Raptors: Butchers by nature
Horned owl 1500 lbs pressure from their talons
Talons of (left > right): Harpy Eagle, Golden Eagle, Bald Eagle, Great Horned Owl, Red-tailed Hawk, & Peregrine Falcon Talons
Adaptations of Owls Night vision –Rods cells provide black and white vision. –Owls have huge eyes. Turn head 270 degrees Hearing –Asymmetrical ears Silent Flight –Wings adapted leading edge to reduce noise. Nocturnal raptors. Sound: essential sense
Diet and Digestion
Silhouettes of Birds of prey Buteo Hawk - Red tailed hawk Falcon- Peregrine falcon Accipiter- Coopers hawk Preparing for flight Peregrine falcons: speed
Tagging and Monitoring Tagging