International Associated Laboratory LIA “ORIGINS” ( Présented by François HAMMER
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 2 What are our origins? Are we living in an Universe with 70% of dark energy and 80% of invisible matter? Gliese 581 Ultimately those heavy elements are essential for the formation of the telluric planets and then to the apparition of live… Merger or secular? How galaxies have been formed? Which processes explain the formation of heavy elements?
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 3 What are our origins? Among the highest priorities of most international Agencies That requires large instruments: discoveries are often driven by instrumental progresses 21 CMA in Tianshan mountains: antennas to probe the re-ionisation Successful 1 st light: 15 March 2009
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 4 What are our origins? Among the highest priorities of most international Agencies That requires large instruments: discoveries are often driven by instrumental progresses A collaboration on new projects is highly desirable PLANCK: launch April 2009 LAMOST: 0ctober 2008 GAIA: launch 2013
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 5 The LIA ORIGINS A laboratory without “walls” to promote: Joint Ph.D/Post-doc & visiting programs Joint research projects Joint observing time & equipments Joint telescopes / site exploration AN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATED LABORATORY Signed, 22 October 2008, Beijing
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 6 The LIA ORIGINS Partnership between: CAS-NAOC CNRS-INSU Peking University Paris Observatory Nanjing University University Paris-Diderot USTC University Pierre & Marie Curie AN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATED LABORATORY
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 7 The LIA ORIGINS ~ 140 researchers coming from 22 laboratories expressed their interest: NAOC, Peking U-KIAA, Tsinghua U, IHEP, BNU, Shanghai Obs, SNU, PMO, NJU, USTC, Yunnan Obs GEPI, IAP, LAM, APC, CPPM, LERMA, LESIA, IAS, SaP, LUTH, LPNHE Co-directors: Xiang-Ping Wu & François Hammer Assisted by a Scientific Council AN INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATED LABORATORY
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 8 Collaborations A very pro-active collaboration within the LIA: 2009 to early 2012: 58 articles in reviewed journals, ~ 500 citations & 32 communications at conferences, 3 joint press-releases/yr (CNRS, CAS, Paris and Marseille Observatories, ESA, NASA) Galaxy formation: observations, modeling, simulations & data mining (VLT, HST, Spitzer, IRAM, SDSS) Dark matter & dark energy: gravitational lensing & supernova (VLT, CFHT, HST)
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 9 Collaborations Instrumental collaborations currently supported: Since 2006: instrument ECLAIRs (F.) in SVOM (C.): -rays bursts sub-mm: bolometers & data reduction & analysis Radio: 21 CMA (2 French post-docs at Beijing – also with FCCPL) Radio: preparation of SKA (a workshop in 2011 and multiple visits in 2012)
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 10 - support for exchange of short and mid-term visits, - support for Sino-French meetings & workshops, - support for collaborative activities, Calls distributed to a large community (visits, postdocs, PhDs) 2009: 15 visits supported, 1 large workshop (Tongling) pressure (asked/granted)= : 16 visits supported, 1 workshop on fibers/IFU (Lijiang) pressure (asked/granted)= : Much more visits requested, school (observational techniques) pressure has raised to … : same as 2011, 1 large workshop on simulations Mutual interests
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 11 from the Steering Committee held in Paris, May 11 th : the International Laboratory Origins is renewed for Perspectives
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 12 Perspectives The success of the LIA is due to the net increase of existing & new collaborations : pressure from 1.7 to 4.5, from 2009 to 2012 ! Long visits of young scientists (students) are at the heart of the LIA activities: we need a stronger involvement of the LIA on the CSC fellowship program (6000 grants/year!). ANR international program: we have requested several times that physics (astrophysics) could be part of the priority topics.
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 13 Perspectives
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 14 Perspectives
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 15 Perspectives
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 16 Perspectives
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 17 Perspectives
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 18 Perspectives
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 19 Perspectives
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 20 Perspectives Xiang-Ping Wu elected at the Chinese Academy of Sciences December 12, 2011
The LIA ORIGINS Mutual Interests Collaborations Perspectives Our origins 21 Perspectives