Warm-Up Imperative sentences make a request. Open your test booklets now.
Warm-Up The simple subject must be a noun, pronoun, gerund, or infinitive. The subject can be an “understood you”. Bring me the remote control, please. (You bring it.)
Homework: Monday put the letter in its envelope Monday: Find the part of speech for each word (noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, verb, preposition, conjunction, interjection. Insert editing marks to correct capitalization and punctuation.
Homework: Tuesday put the letter in its envelope Tuesday: Find the sentence parts (simple subject, simple predicate, complete subject, complete predicate) and prepositional phrases.
Homework: Wednesday put the letter in its envelope Wednesday: Identify the clauses as independent or dependent; identify the sentence structure (simple, compound, or complex); identify the sentence purpose (declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, or imperative).
Quiz Name ____________________ Use the Warm Up Notes to answer questions about the sentence below. Put the letter in its envelope. What are the two nouns in this sentence? (1) _______________ and (2) __________________ 3. What is the simple subject in the sentence?_________________________ Hint: The simple subject is invisible in this sentence. 4. What is the verb in the sentence? _________________________ 5. What part of speech is the word its in the sentence above?______________