$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 Is that the Subject YOU are talking about? That is just a FRAGMENT of my sentence! Compound Subject Or Predicate Direct or Indirect…that is the ??? I do declare, or ask, or tell or exclaim…
John played basketball in his backyard with Joyce and Timothy. $100
Direct Object $100
$200 She left me the keys to the house for the weekend.
$200 Indirect Object
Identify the Direct Object in the sentence: Could you show my sister the library in your school? $300
Library $300
$400 Identify the Indirect Object: I need a postage stamp for the letter.
letter $400
Identify the Direct Object and the Indirect Object: David’s mom brought him a jacket to wear after school. $500
Direct Object= jacket Indirect Object= him $500
$100 This weekend, I visited my cousins
$200 What time is the assembly on Friday
$300 This weekend, I won a new IPAD
$400 Stop what you are doing and carry these bags to the car
$400. or ! IMPERATIVE
$500 What type of sentence is: Turn the television off and go to bed!
$100 Identify the COMPLETE SUBJECT (CS) and the SIMPLE SUBJECT (SS): The storm clouds are getting darker.
$100 The storm clouds = CS Clouds= SS
$200 Identify the COMPLETE PREDICATE (CP) and the SIMPLE PREDICATE (SP) Derek Jeter is an amazing baseball player.
$200 is an amazing baseball player = CP is= SP
$300 Identify the SIMPLE SUBJECT (SS) and the SIMPLE PREDICATE (SP): My friend Max wrote the poem.
$300 SS= Max SP= wrote
$400 Identify the SIMPLE PREDICATE (SP): I am very hungry.
$400 SP= am
$500 Underline the CS once Underline the CP twice Label the SS and SP. Listen to the new Justin Bieber song on my IPOD.
$500 Listen to the new Justin Bieber song on my IPOD. You is the implied COMPLETE SUBJECT and SIMPLE SUBJECT SP
$100 As we wait for the rain to stop.
$100 Fragment
$200 It’s my mom’s birthday today I bought her a lovely present.
$200 Run-on Sentence
$300 Although she was late.
$300 Fragment
$400 Ate all the fruit before I could sample a piece.
$400 Fragment
$500 Having moved to a new country, the young man was eager to start his new life.
$500 Complete Sentence
$100 Mrs. Batt and Miss Ferrentino share a cozy room for AIS.
$100 Compound Subject Mrs. Batt and Miss Ferrentino
$200 The miniature poodle walked to her bowl and ate all of her food quickly.
$200 COMPOUND PREDICATE walked and ate
$300 Tomorrow, Jason and Kevin will paint the entire bedroom.
$300 COMPOUND SUBJECT Jason and Kevin
$400 Dierks, my rambunctious dog, stole my socks and chewed several holes in them.
$400 COMPOUND PREDICATE stole and chewed
$500 After the long weekend, my husband and I slept in on Sunday and went out to breakfast.
$500 COMPOUND SUBJECT AND PREDICATE CS= husband and I CP= slept and went