¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to the tour of la Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico City!
Slide 4A Tenochtitlan mural in the National Palace
Slide 4B Cathedral in the Zocalo (central square)
Slide 4C Paseo de la Reforma traffic scene
Slide 4D La Plaza de las Tres Culturas Plaza of the Three Cultures
Slide 4E Open-air Market
Slide 4F Mariachis at the Plaza de Garibaldi
Slide 4G Zona Rosa Shopping District
Slide 4H La Basilica de Guadelupe
Slide 4I Low-income Residential Area
Slide 4J Middle-class Residential Area
Slide 4K Upper-class Residential Area
Slide 4L Polluted River
Slide 4M Downtown Mexico City
Thank you for visiting Mexico City! ¡Adios! Directions for Writing a Letter About Mexico City (Master 4C) Imagine you are a tourist who has just taken a tour of Mexico City. You want to write a letter home describing what you learned. Use your notes and postcards from Student Handout 4B to help you.
Your letter must include these parts: A date and proper salutation An introduction that gives a general description of Mexico City A description of at least three places you visited. Focus on: What was most interesting or memorable? What was the atmosphere like? What do you know now that you did not know before?
Your letter must include these parts: Vivid and accurate references to at least three of these topics-- history, culture, neighborhoods, environment. Simple drawings or sketches that illustrate at least one site you mentioned. Type or write your final draft neatly in ink. Correct letter format/use paragraphs Correct/appropriate factual evidence Complete sentences TWS: