DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON Revelation DESTRUCTION OF BABYLON Revelation New Life Bible Fellowship February 26, 2012 Dr. Kermit Ecklebarger
Destruction of Babylon A. Symbolism of Revelation Woman (riding on scarlet beast) a. The Great Prostitute 17:1 ~ Partners = Kings of Earth 17:2 ~ Influence = Inhabitants of the earth 17:2 ~ Clothing = Like a Queen 17:4
a. The Great Prostitute (continued) ~ Title = Mystery Babylon the Great Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth 17:5 ~ Drunkenness = With blood of God’s People 17:6
b. Babylon 17:5 = Symbolic of country hostile to God’s People c. Great city that rules the world 17:18 ~ World Capital – 1 st century = Rome End time = Capital city of World Leader in last days = Like Babylon or Rome but not actually either
2. BEAST a. Antichrist b. 8 th King A. Symbolism of Revelation (continued)
3. BEAST with: 7 Heads 10 Horns Rome 1. 7 Hills(Rome) 2. 7 Kings 8 th King 10 Contemporary kings w/ Antichrist ~6~ ~7~ 8th (one of 7) Past Present Future (Rulers or Empires)
B. Political Events Revelation 18 federation 1. Antichrist forms federation w/10 Kings 17:12-13 a. Duration = one hour 17:12 b. Purpose = to wage war against the Lamb 17:13-14 c. Outcome = The Lamb will triumph over them 17:14b d. Reason = Lamb is “Lord of lords and King of kings” e. Lamb’s associates = His called, chosen and faithful followers
B. Political Events Revelation 18 (continued) world leader 2. Jealousy against world leader by federation 17:15-16a 3. Overthrow of World leader by federation 17:16b-17 a. 10 king federation destroys city/woman b. Reason = God put it into their hearts to accomplish His purpose
B. Political Events Revelation 18 (continued) 4. Announcement of Fall of Babylon 18: Call for God’s People to Escape Babylon 18:4-8 economic 6. World wide economic collapse 18:9-19 ~ Demise mourned by Kings (18:9-10) ~ Merchants (18:11-17) ~ Shipping Industry (18:18-19) 7. Heavenly Celebration of Divine Justice 18:20 8. The Finality of Babylon’s Doom 18:21-24