RARPA: Quality Assurance Peer Review Triangles This Education & Training Foundation funded project builds on the success of ‘Improving the quality of provision for students with learning difficulties and disabilities – supporting progression’, which trained 54 staff as Sector Leaders (SLs) to support quality assured RARPA. Project resources are here:
Section 1: The RARPA five-staged process 1. Aims appropriate to an individual learner or groups of learners (clearly stated learning aims) 2. Initial assessment to establish the learner’s starting point 3. Identification of appropriately challenging learning objectives: initial, renegotiated and revised 4. Recognition and recording of progress and achievement during programme (formative assessment): teacher feedback to learners, learner reflection, progress reviews 5. End-of-programme learner self-assessment; teacher summative assessment; review of overall progress and achievement Section 2: Organisational systems to quality assure RARPA 6. Staff implement the RARPA process effectively across the organisation 7. There is an effective quality assurance system for the review and improvement of the provision using the RARPA process (This includes criteria in four subsections: the organisation’s quality improvement cycle; internal moderation; self-assessment review, and external moderation.) 8. There is effective performance management and professional development in relation to RARPA RARPA: Framework
Current project - in partnership with 157 group, AELP, AoC and emCETT. High quality, non-accredited personalised learning for learners with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) RARPA: Quality Assurance Peer Review Triangles
Participants are able to undertake an effective external check on the RARPA process and internal review findings of a peer, which: strengthens the RARPA quality assurance process supports quality improvement for the provider reviewed contributes to quality improvement in their own organisation and to their own professional development objectivity good practice consistency confidence for stakeholders
Aims: quality assure the RARPA process so that the teaching and non- accredited learning outcomes of study programmes, including English, Maths, work experience and independent living skills are personalised and fit-for-purpose better understand their duty, under the Children and Families Act (2014), to use their ‘best endeavours’ to ensure all learners with SEND are well supported on appropriate programmes where they can achieve challenging learning outcomes be well placed to respond to concerns about Study Programmes in the recent Ofsted Report and better prepared to meet the learning and support needs of learners with Education Health and Care plans over the coming months RARPA: Quality Assurance Peer Review Triangles
RARPA – internal review? RARPA – external peer review? RARPA – networks? RARPA – moderation & sharing good practice Questions & answers RARPA: Developing & Improving What Next?