Operations, Test facilities, CF&S Tom Himel SLAC
Tom Himel 2 Outline Operations Global oversight Controls High Availability Projects Test Facilities contributions / diagnostics R&D operation CF&S and installation
Tom Himel 3 Some Common Themes Virtually all the projects are being done in collaboration with other institutions – foreign and domestic. Virtually all are continuations of ongoing work Details are in writeups for cases where I neglect to explicitly mention it here.
Operations: Global oversight WBS FTE + 0k M&S Oversee operations, commissioning and reliability issues as part of the RDR global system. Needed because ILC will be the most complex machine ever built and we want it to work. Push all ILC designers to pay attention to these issues and evaluate various tradeoffs for them Availability simulation and experience are the major tools. Ties in well with many HA projects being done at SLAC Lead by an incredibly brilliant, energetic, charismatic, modest person with SLC and PEP-II experience. Me
Tom Himel 5 Operations: Controls WBS FTE Controls and feedbacks have a major impact on operations. Reliability concerns need to be addressed early on. Includes Designing the control system well enough to cost it Selecting the proper framework (EPICS, DOOCS, … new) Develop remote operations capability All in collaboration with ANL, FNAL, DESY, KEK
Tom Himel 6 Operations: High Availability WBS – k These projects address some, but not all, of the items identified by the availability simulation as needing significant improvements. HA work needs an early start not only because of the design challenge, but because significant time is needed to test that the goals were achieved and no failure modes overlooked. Use of HA designs in real accelerators and test facilities needs to be promoted as a test vehicle.
Tom Himel 7 Operations: High Availability Includes: High availability power supplies (may be tested at ATF2). Centered on small modification of a commercial unit. HA kicker pulsers (also fast enough for short bunch spacing in DR) Imbedded diagnostic processor (allows remote diagnosis of power supply problems possibly before they cause an actual failure) Develop stable HA RF phase distribution system (Stable is the harder part of this one.) Perform a FMEA analysis of control system and investigate HA solutions for hardware and software. Prototype some instrumentation modules in ATCA
Tom Himel 8 Test Facilities: contributions/diagnostics R&D WBS – k Includes work to contribute components (mostly diagnostics) to ATF, ATF2, TTF and ESA. Triple purpose served Work often extends state-of-the-art so it is R&D in its own right Contributes to an important test facility that has other integrated goals. Fosters international collaboration and trust.
Tom Himel 9 Test Facilities: contributions/diagnostics R&D Projects include ATF ring BPM electronics (prototype shows factor of 10 improvement in resolution) Design and fabrication of ATF2 magnets ATF2 bunch length monitor TTF HOM BPM readout Past US contributions at DESY and KEK are often mentioned appreciatively. Builds trust and eases future collaboration.
Tom Himel 10 Test Facilities: Operations WBS FTE + 60k M&S Beam time available for ILC R&D at TTF and ATF goes to waste due to lack of proposals and people to run experiments. These very expensive test facilities are not being fully utilized. May be opportunities at other accelerators like SNS. A task force would match needed R&D with opportunities at existing accelerators and expedite their execution (doing real work) Helps train students Fosters international trust and collaboration
Tom Himel 11 CF&S and Installation WBS – SLAC has the sole person coordinating installation effort of RDR. This work will expand with use of commercial software and a consultant to model and schedule the installation effort. Close coordination of CF&S with e- source, e+ source, RTML, and BDS is done by SLAC people This needs to continue into the TDR phase.
Tom Himel 12 Two construction philosophies A: conservatively design everything B: build everything cheaply and replace things that don’t work Better do ILC with A as the long delays to make a poorly design machine work will not be acceptable on a project that size.
Tom Himel 13 SLAC experience Original linac: A SPEAR: B PEP-I: A SLC: B PEP-II:A LCLS: B? ILC:Alternation A Timing is right for SLAC to work on ILC. SLAC has an incredible LC experience base. Many people have over 20 years of LC experience.