What is Psychology?
Psychology defined Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process Behavior: any action an organism does (observable) Mental process: internal, subjective experiences we infer from behavior (perceptions, thoughts, dreams, beliefs, feelings)
Psychology beginnings… Confucius: Power of ideas and educated mind Socrates (philosopher) & Plato: The mind is in control and knowledge is innate (born with us) Aristotle (Student of Plato): Used careful observations and believed knowledge is not preexisting and instead it grows from experiences. Descartes: Through dissection of animals, discovered that nerves (he thought was hollow) control our reflexes (animal spirits flowed through nerves)
Francis Bacon: Founder of modern science Researched the human mind and its failings Noticing and remembering to confirm our beliefs John Locke: Mind at birth is a blank slate (tablua rasa) Empiricism: knowledge originates in experience and that science should rely on observation and experimentation.
First Psychological laboratory Wundt: “Atoms of the mind” First PSYCHOLGOICAL Experiment involving reaction time.1 hearing.2 seeing
Structuralism & Functionalism Structuralism (Titchener): Using introspection (looking inward) to explore the elemental structure of the mind (describe a rose) Wasn’t extremely successful, “Often we don’t know why we feel the way we feel.” Functionalism (William James): How mental and behavioral process function—how we adapt, survive, and flourish Senses and feelings, emotions, willpower, habits, memories What are the functions of each body part and how does that help us?
Women Make History Mary Calkins: First woman president for the APA (1905). She was denied her Ph. D from Harvard. Margaret Floy Washburn: First woman to officially receive a Ph. D in psychology. 2 nd female APA president (1921) The Animal Mind Experimental psychologist (explore behavior and thinking with experiments)
Psychology’s Approaches/Perspectives Biological Evolutionary Psychodynamic Behavioral Cognitive Humanistic Social-cultural
Nature vs. Nurture Biology vs. experience F79LY&feature=related F79LY&feature=related
Psychology’s Subfields Psychometrics Developmental Psychology Educational Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Industrial-organizational Psychology Human Factors Psychology Counseling Psychology Clinical Psychology Psychiatry