Ralph Miller English I Pre-AP and Model UN Room 167
Contact Information Overview of Course Study Writing Focuses Parting Words
The easiest way to reach me is via at Please check my website for a calendar of due dates, attachments of assignments and useful handouts, and announcements. mrmilleragsenglish.weebly.com mrmilleragsenglish.weebly.com Classroom phone: Tutoring Hours: Mon-Wed mornings from 8: Thursdays during lunch Other times by appointment.
Fall Semester: We will continue with the summer reading assignment, a choice of 1 of 4 memoirs (Students who have not finished reading the novel need to do so as soon as possible.) Our second text study will be Omnivore’s Dilemma (the Young Reader’s edition) Students will need their own copy by the last week of September. Spring Semester: We will begin the second semester with our drama unit, Romeo and Juliet. I will provide the copies students will need. We will continue the semester with the Odyssey. I will provide the copies students will need. We will finish the semester with a novel study.
Throughout the year we will practice and assess students’ ability to write in various modes. Those modes include: Reflective writing (Memoir writing) Expository essay writing Analytical writing (including writing thesis statements that are supported by concrete details and effective commentary) Students will write on a daily basis, primarily in their RAW (Reading and Writing) books whether in class or outside of class. RAW books should travel to class every class meeting. If a student misses a RAW book entry due to absence it is his or her responsibility to see me to make it up.
Agendas Highlighters and other supplies Struggling Students Group Work TEAMS/Parent Self-Serve (go to my.austinisd.org to set up an account)
To receive texts, text your student’s class code to: 1 st Period: e8981c 3 rd Period: 4 th Period: 5th Period: 6 th Period: text e8981c1477 Remind is a one-way broadcast system that allows me to send reminders and class updates via text. I do not see students’ or parents’ numbers, nor do they ever see mine. A log of all messages is kept which can never be edited or deleted.