Susceptibility to Ug99 Results from 2006 Kenya: Country%R ICARDA-WANA9 Egypt2 Iran2 Pakistan8 Nepal2 India9 Bangladesh6 Kazakhstan2 Wheat consumption per capita:185kg ( 400lb)
Spring wheat reaction to TTKS (based on seedling tests) **US spring wheat CVs of Northern Great Plains released after 1996: All susceptible to TTKS except: Ivan, Keene, Banton, Ember. All, except Ember, susceptible to TTKS+Sr24v (TTKST). Resistance to 06 nurseryEntriesTTKSKTTKSTGene URN3220Sr24 WSW2000 URSN2673Sr24, Tha (abc)
Genes effective against Ug99 LineSr geneSeedling IT2005 Kenya2006 Kenya Combination VII13(+17)2+40 MR-MS40 MS Sr22TB221;10 R20 R-MR LcSr24Ag24210 MR20 R-MR, 5 S Sr25/9*LMPG25220 MR-MS Sr26/9*LMPG26110 R Sr27/9*LMPG27;20 MR10 R W2691/Sr28Kt28;1340 MS-S30 MR-MS CnsSr32 A.s R10 R RL ,330 MR30 MR-MS Mq(2)5*G291935;10 MR-MS1 R W2691SrTt W356337;1-5 R/60 S RL ;15 R/70 S5 R/10 MS RL R10 R Taf R-MR10 R CnsSrTmpTmp2+40 MS30 MR-MS
Genes effective against Ug99 in adapted US germplasm Sr2 -- Selkirk, Scott 66, Eagle Tha (abc) -- AC Barrie, Verde? Chris, Thatcher Tmp -- Hard red winter: Millennium, Riper, etc 1A.1R -- Hard red winter: TAM107, TAM200 Sr24-- All classes Sr36 -- Soft red winer: Sisson, USG 3209, etc Sr25--a few breeding lines
Stem Rust Resistance on 1RS 1RS k --Kavkaz (1BL.1RS k from Petkus rye, Sr31) 1RS k --Pavon 76 (1AL.1RS k )--Pavon-RS 1RS a --Amigo (1AL.1RS a from Insave rye) Is Sr resistance on 1RS a the same as 1RS k ?
Stem Rust Resistance on 1RS 1RS genotypeTTTTTTKSTDTT Kavkaz (1RS k ) 141; Pavon-RS (1RS k )13+1 TAM 107 (1RS a )1+2+3 Nekota-RS (1RS a ) Stem rust resistance on 1RS a is different from Sr31 Are they allelic? Can we develop recombinant with Sr resistance from both?
Stem Rust Resistance on 1RS CrossGen.TTTTTTKS Pavon-RS (1RS k ) X CSF 2 131R/38S120S Nekota-RS (1RS n ) X CSF 2 88R/30S 83R/31S 1RS k X 1RS n F 2 768R- (1RS k X 1RS n ) X CS TC 1 F 1 180R TC 1 F 1 114R/1S
Identifying recombinant of 1RS resistance TC 1 F 2 of (1RS k X 1RS n ) X CS Eliminate resistance of 1RS k by testing with TTKS Eliminate resistance of 1RS n by testing with TDTT Recombinant with resistance to TTKS and TDTT