Nail Fungus Nail Mold
Fungi Fungi are vegetable parasites including all types of fungus or mold Highly contagious Transmitted through unsanitary implements and work conditions
Fungi Can be spread from nail to nail or person to person Avoided by proper disinfection and sanitation practices Appear under nails as cheesy, sticky residue the residue progresses to a dry and crusty texture under nail plate must be referred to a physician
Mold Discoloration between nail plate and artificial enhancements have been thought to be mold; however, it is actually a bacterial infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa This bacteria can grow out of control and cause infection under certain conditions
Causes of Infection Contaminated implements Moisture trapped between an unsanitized natural nail and artificial Moisture produces the anaerobic ( no oxygen ) condition sought by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Indications of Infections A yellow-green spot that becomes darker in advanced stages Yellow-green spot changes from yellow to green to brown to black Bad odor if infected for a long period of time Nail plate sensitive to touch
Exposing the natural nail Remove artificial nail enhancements Pseudomonas aeruginosa is killed by exposure to air Refer client to physician
Removal of artificial enhancement Wear gloves during removal of artificial nails Follow manufactures directions Upon completion, discard all products and tools that cannot be disinfected Disinfect all others
Removal of artificial enhancement File around stain Soaking off Use alcohol to remove and dry contaminated moisture from nail surface Remaining stain cannot be removed and must be allowed to grow out