Getting started…
Go to your group page Click on your Content link to go to the pages that are being developed
How it works…Collaborative Authorship Authors create/edit pages similar to a Wiki system Groups of authors can work together on a single document
How it works…Collaborative Authorship Authors create/edit pages similar to a Wiki system Groups of authors can work together on a single document type/paste in text Versions?
How it works…Collaborative Authorship - Revisions Each new Edit is saved Can look back in time Who did what?
How it works…Collaborative Authorship - Peer Review Track the document’s development Review comments Comments on development
How it works…Images
How it works…Communication Forums Start new topics Leave comments Reply to comments Communicate when you have the time Provides a record
How it works…future Project Management tools –Group calendars
How it works…future Project Management tools –Group calendars –To-do lists
How it works…future Project Management tools –Group calendars –To-do lists –Assign tasks to group members –Use Basecamp as a guide for development
is about… Communication …Publish your content on Publish articles, video, news, interactive content, and courses to a national audience. Obtain peer review of your outreach materials. Share your knowledge - answer real questions in real time.
How it works… eXtension Your local LGU
How it works… eXtension Resource Areas, e.g. Cotton, Dairy, eOrganic
How it works… eXtension News – CoPs upload events
How it works… eXtension Answers – FAQs, ask the expert answers
How it works… eXtension Self Learning – Special formats
How it works… eXtension: interactive
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