Maps Maps show man made and natural features on the Earth's surface ● cat
Land Features on Maps Relief maps – are used to see the landscape of an area. Shows three types of land features Mountains – stand higher than the land around them. Plateaus – flat surfaces that stand high above sea level. Plains – gently rolling or flat features.
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Map Scale Relates distances on the map to actual distances on the Earth's surface. Expressed as a ratio 1in = 10 mi
Map Legend Also called the key. Explains the meaning of each symbol on the map. Symbols can stand for: Highways Parks Mines Airports
Latitude Equator – imaginary line that circles the Earth halfway between the north and south poles. 0º latitude Latitude is a distance north or south of the equator. North and south poles are 90º
Lines of Latitude ● cat
Longitude Prime meridian – an imaginary line that runs through Greenwich, England to the north and south poles. Longitude – is a distance in degrees east or west of the prime meridian.
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GPS Global Positioning System Is a network of satellites used to find latitude, longitude and elevation above sea level, any place on Earth.
Projections Is a way to represent the Earth's curved surface on a flat map. Cylindrical projection – show Earth as if the map were a large cylinder wrapped around the planet. Longitude and latitude appear as straight lines. Mercator maps. Distorts the poles.
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Conic Projections Are based on the shape of a cone. Lines of latitude are slightly curved Equator and poles will be distorted
Planar Projections ● Are drawn as if a circle of paper were laid on a point on Earth's surface. – Land masses further away from the center point are distorted.