Perspective Shadow Maps Marc Stamminger REVES/INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France now at: Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar, Germany George Drettakis REVES/INRIA, Sophia-Antipolis, France
shadow maps n Williams, Siggraph ‘78 –render scene from light source –shadowing by depth comparison
shadow map aliasing n prone to aliasing when zooming into shadow boundaries single shadow map pixel
shadow map aliasing n perspective aliasing parallel light okayaliased okay
shadow map aliasing n perspective aliasing –smooth transition aliased oversampled
shadow map aliasing n projection aliasing parallel light
shadow map aliasing n projection aliasing –very local aliased oversampled
previous work n Reeves et al., Siggraph ’87: –“Percentage Closer Filtering” n Tadamura et al., Visual Computer ’01 –“Plural Sunlight Depth Buffers” n Fernando et al., Siggraph ’01: –“Adaptive Shadow Maps”
perspective transformation post-perspective world space
perspective shadow map n standard shadow map n perspective shadow map shadow map image
perspective shadow map n standard shadow map n perspective shadow map aliased oversampled
perspective shadow map n shadow map in post-perspective space n just another shadow map projection n reduces perspective aliasing n regeneration per frame necessary
light source transformation n parallel light becomes point light
parallel light transformation post-perspective world space
point light transformation post-perspective world space
discussion n best case: –parallel light in post-perspective space –no new perspective distortion post-perspective world space
discussion n non-optimal case: –point light close to frustum n worst case: –becomes uniform shadow map post-perspective world space
near plane selection n near plane as far as possible
near plane selection n automatic selection: reading back depth buffer
shadows from behind n virtually move camera backwards
shadow map window n geometric method to include all necessary objects –details in the paper
n first implementation on an Xbox game developer kit courtesy of Thatcher Ulrich
conclusion n perspective shadow maps –shadow map in post-perspective space –just another shadow map matrix –non-uniform shadow map resolution –needs recomputation per frame –minimal overhead for dynamic scenes
acknowledgements n Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Fellowship of the European Union n Bauhaus-Universität Weimar n Lutz Kettner ( n Frédo Durand
thank you