Google Calendar Review 1. Go to 2. Your calendar should look something like this. 3 Click the arrow to continuehttp://
Google Calendar Review View Options List of CalendarsClick the arrow to continue CREATE an Event Events appear here
Google Calendar Review View Options List of CalendarsClick the arrow to continue CREATE an Event Events appear here
Google Calendar Review 1. To add an event, click on the time slot the event occurs. 2. Let's add our first event. Click on Wednesday, 12/7 at 8 a.m. Click Here
Google Calendar Review 1. The New Event window will appear 2. Under What, you would type in the name of your event. For this training, you will enter “Google Calendar Training – Name” 3. Click the What box to continue Click here
Google Calendar Review 1. Make sure you select the correct calendar. In this case, you want to choose the BKBA West Cecil Master Schedule for your event to appear on the Master Calendar. 2. Click Create Event to continue Click here
Google Calendar Review 1. Your event should appear. The default time for an event is one hour. To change the time your event occurs, drag and resize the event. To edit the location, duration and details of your event, double click it. 2. Double click the event to continue
Google Calendar Review 1. Enter the correct time 2. Add a location in the Where box 3. Add a Description of the event 4. Click save Enter the correct time
Congratulations! ➲ You have successfully learned how to add an event to the BKBA Master Calendar ➲ Click the arrow below to take a quiz on Google Calendars.
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 1. The default time for an event is: a. 30 minutes b. 1 hour c. 2 hours d. All day
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 1. Incorrect Sorry. Click the arrow to try again.
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 1. CORRECT! The default time for an event is one hour. You can change the time for an event by either dragging the box bigger or smaller, or by double clicking the event
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 2. What are some key features of Google Calendar a. You can manage your calendar anywhere, even offline b. You can set your calendar to sync with your smartphone c. Google Calendar is free d. All of the above
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 2. Incorrect Sorry. Click the arrow to try again.
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 2. CORRECT! You can manage your calendar anywhere, even offline. You can set your calendar to sync with your smartphone Google Calendar is free
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 3. How do you enter an event? a. Click on the calendar at the correct date and time b. Click the Create button at the upper left c. Either A or B d. Neither A or B
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 3. Incorrect Sorry. Click the arrow to try again.
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 3. CORRECT! There are two main ways to add an event. You can click on the time you want the event to occur -or- You can click CREATE at the top left of the screen
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 4. Which of the following IS NOT a view option? a. Day view b. Four day view c. Week view d. Month view e. These are all options
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 4. Incorrect Sorry. Click the arrow to try again.
Google Calendar Quiz ➲ 4. CORRECT! There are several ways to view your event The Agenda gives you a handy view of your schedule, almost like a daily to do list
Google Calendar Training Survey ➲ To help improve this training, please take the following anonymous survey. ➲ Click HERE for a short survey Click HERE for a short survey