Calamos Growth Fund Information and Statistics
INDEX Large Cap Grwoth Stocks, Overview and Key Features Statistics for 2014 Thus Far Resources Online Stock Analysis Further Information Click Here for a Microsoft Word Printout
Large Cap Growth Stocks Go back to First Slide
Overview The fund invests in the equities of U.S. companies with a range of market capitalizations that we believe offer the best potential for growth. Key Features Utilize more than two decades of extensive research experience in growth investing Active management with a focus on top-down views and bottom-up fundamentals Research-driven approach identifies opportunities by combining top-down analysis and a research focus on key growth characteristics Go back to First Slide
Statistics For 2014 Thus Far Go back to First Slide
Resources Online Fact Sheet (CVGRX) Quarterly Commentary (CVGRX) Calamos Growth Fund Fact Sheet Investment Team Other Literature Summary Prospectus (Class A, B, C) Summary Prospectus (Class I,R) Statutory Prospectus (Class A, B, C) Statutory Prospectus (Class I, R) Semiannual Report Annual Report Go back to First Slide
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For more information about the Funds such as sector weightings, top holdings, credit ratings and distribution rates, please contact Client Services at Each Fund is a series of Calamos Investment Trust. The investment adviser to the Funds is Calamos Advisors LLC. The Calamos Family of Funds offers a range of investment strategies for individual investors with diverse investment objectives and needs. For more information on the Funds, please call Before investing carefully consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. Please see the prospectus and summary prospectus containing this and other information or call Read it carefully before investing.prospectus and summary prospectus Go back to First Slide