Need for Achievement
Conscientiousness 1 It is manifested in characteristic behaviors such as being efficient, organized, neat, and systematic, also including such elements as self-discipline, carefulness, thoroughness, self-organization, deliberation (the tendency to think carefully before acting), and need for achievement
Entrepreneurship - What is an entrepreneur : David McClelland: An entrepreneur is a person with a high need for achievement [N-Ach]. He is energetic and a moderate risk taker.
Entrepreneur - What is an entrepreneur 1 * 1961: David McClelland: An entrepreneur is a person with a high need for achievement [N-Ach]. He is energetic and a moderate risk taker.
Motivation - Achievement motivation 1 The emphasis on performance seeks to integrate formerly separate approaches as need for achievement with, for example, social motives like dominance
Goal orientation - Antecedents 1 In a meta-analysis by Payne and her colleagues, both need for achievement and the Big Five personality traits were identified as important antecedents of goal orientation, while cognitive ability was found to have almost no relationship with goal orientation
Goal orientation - Need for achievement 1 Although LGO and need for achievement were found to be strongly related, the findings demonstrate that LGO is related to, but not synonymous with need for achievement.
Need for achievement 1 'Need for achievement' ('N-Ach') refers to an individual's desire for significant accomplishment, mastering of skills, control, or high standards
Need for achievement 1 Measured with the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), need for achievement motivates an individual to succeed in competition, and to excel in activities important to him or her. nition/need-for- achievement.html#ixzz2DAbf1NPt
Need for achievement 1 Need for Achievement is related to the difficulty of tasks people choose to undertake. Those with low N-Ach may choose very easy tasks, in order to minimise risk of failure, or highly difficult tasks, such that a failure would not be embarrassing. Those with high N-Ach tend to choose moderately difficult tasks, feeling that they are challenging, but within reach.
Need for achievement - Theory 1 In this connection, the need for achievement refers to an individual's preference for success under conditions of competition
Need for achievement - Theory 1 A high emotional intelligence calls for a high need for achievement while a low emotional intelligence calls for a lower need for achievement
Need for achievement - Measurement 1 It was Murray who first identified the significance of Need for Achievement, Power and Affiliation and placed these in the context of an integrated motivational model.
Need for achievement - Measurement 1 McClelland’s research led him to formulate psychological characteristics of persons with strong need for achievement. According to McClelland and David Winter (Motivating Economic Achievement), the following features accompany high level of achievement motivation: David C. McClelland and David G. Winter. Motivating Economic Achievement. New York: Free Press,
Content theory - McClelland’s Theory of Needs 1 David McClelland proposed a context for understanding needs in people, which holds significance in understanding motivations and behaviors. It is subdivided into three categories: the Need for Achievement, the Need for Affiliation, and the Need for Power.
Content theory - McClelland’s Theory of Needs 1 The Need for Achievement refers to the notion of getting ahead and succeeding
Flow (psychology) - The autotelic personality 1 Several correlational studies found need for achievement to be a personal characteristic that fosters flow experiences.Engeser, S., Rheinberg, F
Work motivation - Need for achievement 1 Studies show those who have a high need for achievement prefer moderate levels of risk, seek feedback, and are likely to immerse themselves in their work
Work motivation - Need for achievement 1 The theory is referred to as Need for Achievement because these individuals are theorized to be the most effective employees and leaders in the workplace. These individuals strive to achieve their goals and advance in the organization. They tend to be dedicated to their work and strive hard to succeed. Such individuals also demonstrate a strong desire for increasing their knowledge and for feedback on their performance, often in the form of performance appraisal.
Work motivation - Need for achievement 1 The Need for Achievement is in many ways similar to the need for mastery and self-actualization in Maslow's hierarchy of needs and growth in the ERG theory. The achievement orientation has garnered more research interest as compared to the need for affiliation or power.
Locus of control - Personality orientation 1 This has obvious implications for differences between internals and externals in terms of their achievement motivation, suggesting that internal locus is linked with higher levels of need for achievement
Belongingness - Psychological needs 1 They argue that many of the human needs that have been documented, such as the needs for Need for power|power, intimacy, approval, Need for achievement|achievement and Need for affiliation|affiliation, are all driven by the need to belong
Need theory - Effect on management 1 He stated that people with a high need for achievement will succeed best when given projects with attainable goals and although individuals with a need for achievement can make good managers, they are not suited to being in the top management positions
Dependency need - Social needs 1 People who have need for achievement|achievement needs are willing to seek out and accomplish tasks
Stanford-Binet - Revisions of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale 1 Gale Roid published the most recent edition of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale. Roid attended Harvard University where he was a research assistant to David McClelland. McClelland is well known for his studies on the need for achievement. While the fifth edition incorporates some of the classical traditions of these scales, there were several significant changes made.
For More Information, Visit: m/the-need-for-achievement- toolkit.html m/the-need-for-achievement- toolkit.html The Art of Service