SYED AZHAR SHAH Registration # 9667 SAFIA YAMANI Registration # 9922
Topic: What is motivation? What is Motivation?
MOTIVATION Motivation is the decision making process, in which an individual chooses an appropriate behavior, the behavior which can bring him near to his desired outcomes. OR OR Motivation is a social process when other individual influences us to behave in the way they wish…
Types of motivation. Motivation can either be Positive or Negative, Motivation can either be Positive or Negative, Positive motivation or the carrot approach offers something valuable to the person such as a pay or praise.. Positive motivation or the carrot approach offers something valuable to the person such as a pay or praise.. Negative motivation or stick approach uses or threatens punishment. Negative motivation or stick approach uses or threatens punishment. Example, To fire or suspend Example, To fire or suspend
External and internal motivation. Extrinsic Motivation: It is concerned with materialistic reward or financial reward which are under the control of others. Extrinsic Motivation: It is concerned with materialistic reward or financial reward which are under the control of others. It motivates but gives us a short term motivation. It motivates but gives us a short term motivation. Example: salary, promotion, fame Example: salary, promotion, fame Intrinsic Motivation: It is a psychological motivation and it comes from the job it self, one does it for its own satisfaction Intrinsic Motivation: It is a psychological motivation and it comes from the job it self, one does it for its own satisfaction Example: after completing a challenging task a person get a satisfaction its an intrinsic motivation Example: after completing a challenging task a person get a satisfaction its an intrinsic motivation
Direct and Indirect Motivation Direct and Indirect Motivation Direct Motivation: The factors which satisfies our basic needs or and important goal. Example: Food, Cloths, these ore the basic needs which motivates us to do work
Indirect Motivation : The factors which helps us to achieve our basic goal… For Example: Salary, through which we can fulfill our direct motives that is a food and shelter can b accomplished
Theories of Motivation: there are two school of thought regarding motivation. Content school: it emphasis on the things which can motivate a person, content theories are also known as need theories.. Process school: It asks on question how a person can be motivated
Need theories: There are three theories in content school of thoughts… 1.Abraham Maslow 2.Herzberg two factors 3.Mcclelland’s
Maslows hierarchy Maslow described five needs, and put forward certain proposition about the motivating power of each need.Maslow described five needs, and put forward certain proposition about the motivating power of each need. 1.Physiological needs : The things need to stay alive Example food, shelter and clothing. such need can b satisfy by money 2. Safety need : people want protection against unemployment and sickness, these need can be satisfied by security health and safety security 3. Social need: people love relations and affiliation for motivation let them b part of group
4. Esteem needs : people need respect and esteem from others, it can be fulfill by promotion. 5. Self actualization : this is quite simply the need to achieve something worthwhile in life, it is a need that satisfied only by continuing success
Herzberg two factor theory Hygiene factor : hygiene factors are those factors. The presences of which does not motivate but the absence create dissatisfaction and de- motivation. These factors simply normalize the conditions. Example: pay, working condition, job, security,company policy. If these factors motivates it gives short term motivation.
Motivators: The presence of which motivates but the absence may divert the attention of employee towards hygiene factors. Example: person growth, achievement and feedback
McClelland’s need theory: Need for power: People want to control others, they want to have a say in decision making, for motivation give them authority. Need for affiliation: people want relationship belonging and affiliation for motivation let them be a part of the group Need for achievement: people have strong desire for success and strong fear of failure, for motivation give them a challenging task and short dead line