Tank Components Water tight glass tank Lamp/Light Canopy Heater Filter (under-gravel, over-tank, canister) Gravel Air Source Plants/Wood/Accessories
The Nitrogen Cycle ment/Pearce_Les_Filtration_Nitrogen_Cycle.html&h=379&w=600&sz=40&tbnid=wlnlLw4oqs6CkM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=135&zoom=1&docid=wcBTqTbfAAGltM&hl=en &sa=X&ei=kOKET7epOcrs2QXIvuXvCA&sqi=2&ved=0CDcQ9QEwAw&dur=46
Starting the Nitrogen Cycle Option 1 –Using fish food (maybe not the best idea…) Option 2 –Raw fish or raw shrimp Option 3 –100% Ammonia drops Option 4 –Use gravel or filters from an established tank
Speeding up the Nitrogen Cycle Helpful tips: –Increase the temperature to 80-82˚F –Get some beneficial bacterial colonies Gravel Used filter media –Products to introduce beneficial bacteria Bio-Spira Tetra Safe Start
Fish Disease Parasitic –Ich Bacterial –Streptococcus iniae –Edwardsiella spp. –Aeromonas spp. –Mycobacterium spp. Viral Fungal –Saprolegnia
Fish Disease
TOOTHED CARP Livebearers guppies, mollies, platys, swordtails family: Poeciliidae
Male Guppy
Poecilia reticulata - many-colored netlike guppy - up to 2 1/2 inches male female
Guppies (male)
Poecilia latipinna & Poecilia sphenops mollies - 4 inches black mollie (male) black lyretail (male) gold mollies
Xiphophorous maculatus (platy or moonfish) - 2 1/2 inches & Xiphophorous variatus (varigated platy or variatus platy - 3 inches platy (male) platy (female) sunset platy
Xiphophorus helleri velvet swordtail (female) AKA green swordtail male
LABYRINTH FISH families: Anabantidae, Belontidae, Helostomatidae, Osphronemidae betta, gourami
Betta splendens betta, Siamese fighting fish 3 inches wild caught malefemale
Colisa lalia (6-8 inches) dwarf gourami red gourami
Pearl gourami
Opaline gourami Trichogaster trichopterus Blue or three spot gourami
CICHLIDS South and Central American
Angelfish - cross of Pterophllum scalare and P. eimekei Silver angelfish up to 20 inches
Black angelfish Gold marble angelfish
Discus Family: Cichlidae Species: - Symphysodon aequifasciatus - Symphysodon discus soft water, º F average lifespan - 10 years average size - up to 12 inches
Leopard discus
Jack Dempsey Cichlasoma octofasciatum soft water, º F average size - up to 8 inches
Firemouth Cichlid Thorichthys meeki soft water, º F average size - up to 6 inches
Convict Cichlid Amatitlania nigrofasciata soft water, º F average size - up to 4.5 inches
Long Finned Oscar Astronotus ocellatus soft water, º F average size - up to 18 inches
Tiger Oscars
Lakes Tanganyika, Victoria and Malawi
CHARACINS Schooling fish Tetras, Hatchetfish Leporinus, Silver dollars
Neon tetras Black skirt tetras
Green neon tetras Black neon tetras
Cardinal tetras
Black phantom tetras
Rummy nosed tetras
Bloodfin tetras
Lemon tetras
Silvertip tetras
Bleeding heart tetras
Flame tetras
Mexican tetras
Marble hatchet Related to Tetra (order Chalciformes) Carnegiella strigata, 1 1/2 inches pH, 5-18 dH, F
Silver Hachetfish Gasteropelecus levis
Common Hachetfish Gasteropelecus sternicla
CATFISH Egg layers, bottom dwellers
BRONZE CATFISH Corydoras aeneus Up to 2 inches, pH , hardness 2-30 dH, temp 72-79
BANDIT CATFISH Corydoras metae Up to 2 inches, pH , hardness 4-5 dH, temp 72-79
PLECOSTOMUS CATFISH family: Loricariidae & Callichthyidae armored, mailed, & plated catfish
ROUND GOBY Neogobius melanostomus 4-10 inches; Great Lakes
LOACHES Egg layers, bottom dwellers
Clown Loach Chromobotia macracanthusup to 12 inches Sumatra & Borneo F
Dojo (Weather) Loach Misgurnus anguillcaudatus Up to 10 inches, SE Asia F
KILLIFISH Toothed carp egg layers Cyprinodontidae
Devil’s Hole Pupfish
Aphyosemion arnoldi
Aphyosemion australe
Aphyosemion arnoldi
Aphyosemion bivittatum ekondo
Aphyosemion bivittatum biafra
Aphyosemion cognatum
Aphyosemion liberien
Rivulus amphoreus
Rivulus magdelenae
Rivulus xiphideus
Danio rerio Zebra Fish Minnow family Native from Pakistan to Myanmar Important aquarium fish and and vertebrate model organism